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RPiCluster con 33 Raspberry Pi 26 Aug 2013 | 04:02 pm
Dado el precio más que ajystado de la ya famosa Raspberry Pi, quién no ha pensado nunca en montarse un pequeño cluster barato? Eso es precisamente lo que ha hecho Josh Kiepert montando un Cluster BeoW...
Dispensador de pasta de soldar automático 22 Aug 2013 | 05:42 pm
Todos los que en algún momento nos hemos lanzado a montar un proyecto con componentes de superficie, nos hemos topado con el engorroso trabajo de aplicar la pasta de soldar sobre los pads de la placa ...
More dso nano v2 related news:
Jak ukazuje DSO nano v2 20 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Dnes bude trochu netradiční recenze tohoto kapesního osciloskopu. Tou netradičností mám na mysli to, že bude beze slov, ale jen a pouze v obrazech. Ty jsou totiž myslím vševysvětlující.
The Next Generation of Micro Robotic Creatures: HEXBUG Nano V2 {Review & Giveaway} 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm
There are many, many aspects of my kids that often make me confused. Why do you think that's funny? Doesn't it hurt when you do that? That game/toy is incredibly boring, why do you continue to play w...
El osciloscopio. DSO 201 Nano. 28 Nov 2011 | 03:36 am
Hoy nos gustaría hablar un poco de los osciloscopios, aunque no sea un tema que toque directamente a nuestro hobby. De todos es sabido que gran parte del tiempo que dedicamos al aeromodelismo es e...
Squid And Wccp V2 14 May 2012 | 08:07 am
Linux # cd /usr/src # nano/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h #define __FD_SETSIZE 16384 # wget -c # tar xf squid-3.1.15.tar....
World’s Smallest AAXA L1 v2 20 Lumen Pico-Projector 28 Nov 2010 | 05:17 pm
The AAXA Technologies, leading developer and provider of Nano-LCoS systems, has announced the launch of its new AAXA L1 v2 Laser Pico Projector that is the world’s first smallest 20 lumen... Items-Re...
Align T-rex 450 Pro 3gx V2 All Stock - First Flight - 10.06.2012 Turkey - Tareq Alsaadi 22 Jul 2012 | 03:04 am
All Stock Hardware 3GX V2.0 Collective Pitch +11 -11 Cyclic Pitch +9 -9 Throttle curve 100 - 90 -100 Motor Pinion 15T Turnigy nano-tech 2250Mah 3S 65~130C Lipo Spektrum DX7
World’s Smallest AAXA L1 v2 20 Lumen Pico-Projector 28 Nov 2010 | 12:17 pm
The AAXA Technologies, leading developer and provider of Nano-LCoS systems, has announced the launch of its new AAXA L1 v2 Laser Pico Projector that is the world’s first smallest 20 lumen... Items-Re...
The new improved frio™ V2 DualThread™ ! 25 Jun 2013 | 08:48 pm
The frio™ is the best way to mount anything with a hotshoe to anything with a tripod. Flash to tripod. Flash to Nasty Clamp. Flash to Nano stand. Rode mic to rig. Lite Panel to tripod. You name it… W...