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Miele Staubsauger der Komfort-Baureihe im Vergleich 8 Dec 2011 | 01:33 am
Miele, der beliebte Hersteller von Qualitätshaushaltsgeräten, hat für den Kunden mit besonderen Ansprüchen eine Komfort-Baureihe für Staubsauger entwickelt. So kann der Kunde die Wahl zwischen den Mie...
Akku Heckenschere 2 Feb 2011 | 01:56 am
Die Akku Heckenschere ermöglicht ein ungehindertes Beschneiden von Hecken und Sträuchern. Meterlange Kabel und Stolperfallen gehören damit der Vergangenheit an. Viele Haus- und Grundstückbesitzer schw...
More dyson air multiplier konstruktion related news:
A bladeless fan? Dyson Air Multiplier has no blades! 17 Oct 2009 | 03:56 pm
Dyson has the most cool products offerings when it comes to household cleaning appliances, my first encounter being the DC16 Handheld Cleaner (£67.79). Somehow the orange and silver combination colour...
Dyson Air Multiplier Table Fan, 10 Inches, White 10 May 2012 | 10:36 pm
As you probably already know, one of the new trends in the fan industry is not having blades! Even though most of us grew up [...]
Dyson Air Multiplier Table Fan, 10 Inches, Blue 10 May 2012 | 10:07 am
If you need a new table fan, consider the Dyson Air Multiplier table fan. Even though it looks a bit weird compared to conventional fans, [...]
戴森氣流倍增器 (Dyson Air Multiplier) - 無扇葉風扇 24 Jun 2011 | 06:38 am
這是無扇葉、無噪音、穩定氣流,但一台要 NTD 11,900 的電扇: 它的運作原理是利用「白努力定律」 (也是讓飛機飛起來的原理之一) ,中空圓環內的氣流壓力小 (因為空氣經過的距離較長,相對速度較快,壓力小) ,圓環外的氣流壓力較大 (因為空氣經過的距離較短,相對速度慢,壓力大)。 所以圓環內變成一個「吸力」很強的區域,可以把外部的氣流吸進來,據說可以將原來從空心圓環...
Dyson DC31 Animal Handheld Vacuum Review 3 Dec 2009 | 07:01 pm
As you know, I am no stranger to reviewing Dyson products (Dyson DC14, Dyson Air Multiplier). I have always been fascinated by the way they look and I love that they brought a cool (a yellow vacuum is...
Dyson Air Multiplier Review 15 Oct 2009 | 09:34 am
I was doing a little work at home this morning when I heard a knock at my door. I figured it was the maintenance man here to follow up on a repair that happened yesterday, but to my surprise it turned...
Dyson Air Multiplier 19 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
The Dyson Air Multiplier is a device similar to a fan, except it’s ten times more expensive ($265.) Actually, despite its advertising, it IS a fan. The fan is just hidden in the base and squeezes the...
Dyson Air Multiplier 19 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
The Dyson Air Multiplier is a device similar to a fan, except it’s ten times more expensive ($265.) Actually, despite its advertising, it IS a fan. The fan is just hidden in the base and squeezes the...
Dyson Hot + Cool Fan Heater 23 Aug 2013 | 11:03 pm
It’s been awhile since I have gotten my Dyson love on. We have quite a few of their products and the last one I reviewed was the Dyson Air Multiplier Table Fan. Now we are kicking it up a notch becaus...
Dyson Air Multiplier 19 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
The Dyson Air Multiplier is a device similar to a fan, except it’s ten times more expensive ($265.) Actually, despite its advertising, it IS a fan. The fan is just hidden in the base and squeezes the...