Most eagle rock home brewing supply related news are at:
– Eagle Rock Brewery | Artisanal Beer from Northeast Los Angeles
What the f#&k is “Hanging w/ our Homies”? 21 Aug 2013 | 01:42 am
This year we started a fun new event each month that we so kindly like to call, “Hanging w/ our Homies”. But maybe you’ve read that title and thought…. “what the eff is that?” No worries… I’ll explai...
Staff Bottle Pick: August 31 Jul 2013 | 12:22 am
To read more about what our staff pick bottles are all about, head here. For August we decided to let our newest face in the team, beer-slinging: Gobany Depaz; pick a beer for you. Noble Ale Works: ...
More eagle rock home brewing supply related news:
Eric’s Beer World: Shopping 12 Oct 2011 | 08:02 am
So here we are, where it all starts, at the brew supply store! I love the beer supply store, my girlfriend, not so much! I go to Eagle Rock Beer Supply and they have pretty much everything I need as f...