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Joomla 1.6 Editor Toggle button 25 Apr 2010 | 04:42 pm

Joomla 1.6 features an editor toggle button! You can now toggle between a rich text editor and plain text editing with the click of a button.This makes editing HTML and JavaScript code much more user...

Sparkline Creation : SVG and Javascript 14 Dec 2006 | 01:38 pm

Sparklines are little mini-graphs conceived and popularized by Edward Tufte. He defines them as intense, simple, word-sized graphics. An example of a sparkline might be: A bunch of information and di...

WeBuilder 2011 v.12.1 added 10 Jun 2013 | 01:00 am

Intelligent and powerful all-in-one code editor for web developers. Clean interface, instant startup, superb flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ...

Implementing Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm in JavaScript - Text Diff 3 Sep 2010 | 11:47 pm

This is a tool for finding the differences between two text files and in particular finding what parts have been edited, deleted or added. It implements one of the algorithms for finding the Longest C...

Бесплатный IDE редактор PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Codelobster PHP Edition 5 May 2012 | 06:09 pm

Для полноценной работой над созданием сайта, вам обязательно нужен хороший и удобный редактор. В сети довольно много платных редакторов, но хотелось бы выбрать бесплатный и при этом достаточно функцио...

How to Make a Facebook Share Button 17 Aug 2010 | 11:13 am

Facebook has a page that makes it easy to create a share button for your website, but if you know a little HTML and javascript you can edit it how you see fit. As you can see above, you can choose be...

YouLikeHits iMacros New Generation 2 May 2012 | 04:06 am

Description # Script Type : JavaScript # Browser Type : FireFox - Editable # Script Function : Can Like and Can open in New Tab # Script Succes Tested : 100% Via 4FastFile Watch video ...

纯 HTML5 加 CSS3 代码模拟 iPhone4 不用图片! 27 Dec 2011 | 05:01 pm

技术宅这种珍稀生物从来就不缺创意,这不国外有只技术宅用纯 HTML5 和纯 CSS3 写了一个 iPhone4。没错,你没听错!的确是用写的,一张图片都木有用,甚至连 base64、SVG、canvas 啥的都木有用。仅用了 3395 行 CSS 代码和 335 行 Javascript 代码(用了 jQuery,仅此而已)。点击围观:纯用 CSS3 模拟的 iPhone4! 高机动蜗牛,80后...

cara membuat texs salam penutup pada pengunjung di blog 5 Jul 2011 | 06:43 pm

Langsung aja 1. Login ke dasbor rancangan 2. Klik Tata Letak 3. Pilih Edit HTML 4. Cari kode <head> 5. Copy script berikut dan letakkan di bawah kode <head> <script type='text/javascript'> // go...

Add Smooth Scroll to Top Button with Jquery to Blogger / Blogspot 30 Dec 2011 | 08:08 pm

Step 1: Adding Jquery JavaScript Plugin(Ignore this step if your blog have already a Jquery Plugin) a. Go to Blogger Dashboard < Design tab > Edit Html b. Search for </head> tag c. Add below line of ...

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