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[招人贴]网页游戏Erlang工程师 24 Apr 2012 | 05:39 pm

第一次发帖毫无技术含量,但是绝对有市场含量。 广州4399招聘Erlang服务器开发工程师,市场和技术优势就不多说了,有意向就联系我吧,一起开创一片事业! 职位有求: 本科及以上学历 熟悉TCP/IP, HTTP协议 了解Linux开发环境 较好的编程能力(不限定语言) 1年以上工作经验 热爱游戏,有强烈的进取心 良好的编码习惯,善于学习 能够独立解决问题,具有拼搏精神 联系...

[招人贴] Redwood 19 Apr 2012 | 04:23 pm

之前和 Redwood 的 Raymond 聊过一下。他们有一个相当宏伟的计划(具体内容当然不方便透露啦),可以说的是,他们关注于金融领域,大家可以从“支付网关”之类的关键词展开联想。所以,看到他们在这里贴出来的招人贴,理应是要帮忙推一下的啦。各位对这个领域有兴趣的童鞋。不妨考虑下。 Redwood Technology is a new division of Redwood Group In...

More erlang ide related news:

Facebook Games – Treasure Madness 25 Apr 2012 | 01:52 pm

Facebook Games – Treasure Madness Nevertheless another game that involves treasure hunting and digging the land for hidden wealth. What makes this game different from the other games that have the ide...

Ini Bulan November 3 Nov 2011 | 07:07 pm

Sebenernya salah satu ide tulisan yang renyah kriuk-kriuk itu paling enak adalah tentang kegiatan pekerjaan sehari-hari. Banyak yang lucu, yang bikin dongkol *halah dongkol.. udah lama gak denger kata...

Es werde Licht! 23 Jun 2010 | 12:09 am

Der CITROËN C3 entfesselte bei unserer Gewinnerin „susikullerkeks“ ein wahres Kreativfeuerwerk. Daher kam wohl auch die zündende Idee, im Gewinnspiel „Was ist Ihnen der neue C3 wert“ die lichten Aussi...

La Radeon HD 5770 équipée du Vapor-X par Sapphire: bonne idée ? 28 Jan 2010 | 12:00 pm

Comme à chaque lancement de nouvelles cartes, nous voyons apparaître dans un premier temps des cartes d'origine AMD, puis une fois la fabrication...

Веб-разработка в Eclipse: JavaScript 20 Jul 2011 | 10:03 am

Как отмечалось ранее, для работы JS вместо Spket IDE я теперь использую Eclipse JSDT, который входит в состав Eclipse Web Tools Project. Причины для такого перехода вполне естественные: проекты, с кот...

Mid 30s crisis birthday jump! 15 Aug 2009 | 10:46 am

When I first rediscovered Shells again last year, I was amazed at how it had evolved. The gaps between the jumps looked basically undoable. 20-30 foot gaps with very unforgiving consequences. The ide...

Why I love everything you hate about Java 9 Feb 2010 | 12:56 pm

If you’re one of those hipster programmers who loves Clojure, Ruby, Scala, Erlang, or whatever, you probably deeply loathe Java and all of its giant configuration files and bloated APIs of AbstractFac...

Mobile App Development – Snake Guide for South Africa 17 Nov 2009 | 09:13 pm

I took my first foray into mobile app development recently. Using Origo IDE I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this particular framework makes development for the Symbian (Nokia) environment. Inc...

Tracing out embedded fonts 19 Jun 2009 | 05:19 pm

One thing I’ve noticed (especially in cs4) is a hard time identifying the names of the fonts you’re embedding. For instance: the font I was using “Helvetica Neue BlackItalic” (as in the IDE) when trac...

Ini Bulan November 3 Nov 2011 | 07:07 pm

Sebenernya salah satu ide tulisan yang renyah kriuk-kriuk itu paling enak adalah tentang kegiatan pekerjaan sehari-hari. Banyak yang lucu, yang bikin dongkol *halah dongkol.. udah lama gak denger kata...

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