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YOUR Blog Posts Delivered To Readers Desktops 9 Feb 2010 | 03:38 am
NOTE: Unlike standard eLerts 'Blog Posts' may be any size, no minimum word count.Step #1: Register your blog URL as shown in the 'Create Blog' eLert.Step #2: Once your blog is registered you can immed...
Some great links for writing articles and posts 8 Dec 2012 | 06:25 pm
Notes for writing articles from Ezine Articles: Find the perfect niche for you with these tips: 1) Reach the minimum word count by planning your article ahead of time using these Top 10 Article Templa...
Article writers required for 30 - 500 word articles - 10 31 May 2012 | 05:30 am
I need 30 articles - 500 words each to be done within 6 days. Word count: 500 words per article. Must write minimum 5 articles per day. Must pass copyscape Must maintain good quality and articles shou...
What's the right word count for a novel? 21 Feb 2011 | 12:05 am
Like many writers, I’ve sometimes asked myself this question: what’s the right length for a novel? I know lots of rough guidance, such as 60,000 actual words as a minimum, 80,000 for an average adult...