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More firefox personas not working related news:
Import delicious-dump into Firefox with all your Tags (6 Antworten) 21 Feb 2012 | 12:15 am
I used delicious for a long time and I really loved it. In combination with the Firefox-addon it worked like a charm and helped my to organize all my bookmarks. Lately delicious was sold to AVOS and w...
How to Select all Facebook Friends and Invite Them to an Event or Fan Page 28 Jul 2011 | 06:15 am
To select all your new friends in the new interface you can use this code, tested under Safari 5.0.4, Chrome 10 and Firefox 4 (should work also under IE): Step 1: Click Select Guests to Invite, Like ...
Firefox persona inspired by Samantha Ruth 16 Jun 2010 | 08:46 pm
If you are a south Indian, this girl needs no introduction. One of the most beautiful and talented actress who stole the hearts of many people across India with her mesmerizing looks and her scintilla...
White Flower – WordPress theme 2 Jul 2008 | 07:39 am
White Flower is a sweet theme for WordPress. It has only one left sidebar and it was successfully tested in IE and Firefox. It may works fine in other browsers too. This theme is not widget ready, bec...
52 Useful Firefox Add-Ons for Photographers 12 Apr 2010 | 03:16 pm
Photography may have existed long before personal computers, but these days photographers spend a lot of time using computers for their work. You can make that work easier by taking advantage of these...
OutWit Hub 2.1.2 updates 10 Mar 2012 | 05:23 am
OutWit Hub for Firefox, as well as Images and Docs have been updated today (, to work with Firefox 11 as soon as it is released. This update also includes a few interesting optimizations and ...
Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 6.0.* 18 Aug 2011 | 11:20 pm
For those who have upgraded to Firefox 6.0, I have bumped maxVersion, in Wizz RSS, to 6.0.n, and it seems to work. I haven’t done any comprehensive testing, but I’m using it myself and I haven...
Wizz RSS maxVersion bumped to 5.0.* 22 Jun 2011 | 06:36 am
If you are one of those who desperately wants (or needs) Wizz RSS to work on Firefox 5.0, please just reinstall, and it should work. WARNING: I have done very superficial testing of o...
Echofon Firefox 2.0 beta2 8 Apr 2011 | 02:06 pm
Thank you for a lot of feedback about new Echofon Firefox beta! Since many of you asked us to bring back old UI, we added "Panel Mode" which works like Echofon 1.x. This is how it looks: Since Panel/...
Download Firefox 3.7 Alpha 2 23 Feb 2010 | 07:25 pm
Beta version of Firefox 3.7 is on works and should be released this year. Mozilla team has already ported second Preview version Firefox 3.7 Pre-alpha build for Windows, Mac and Linux users. Firefox 3...