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Pasta met romige walnotenpesto 11 Jun 2009 | 09:22 pm
Ik heb dit nu al een paar keer gemaakt, en volgens mij is het een blijvertje. In die mate zelfs dat ik voor de hoeveelheden maar wat op gevoel doe. De inspiratie komt uit het Good Food magazine van ap...
Bulgur- és padlizsánsaláta 11 Jul 2012 | 05:25 am
A Good Food magazin tavaszi számai teljesen lázba hoztak. Tele voltak vegetáriánus, vagy könnyen húsmentesíthető étellel, egyszerűekkel, szuper fotókkal. A júniusi számmal már nem igazán voltam eléged...
Húsvéti ebéd 2013. 1 Apr 2013 | 02:55 pm
Nagyon egyszerű, kevés munkás, de ötletes, finom ebédet készítettem idén húsvét vasárnap. A Good Food magazin márciusi számából merítettem az ötletet, illetve több is volt az merítésnél, mert igazából...
Shahi Zafran ka Sharbat – Honey and Saffron Sherbet in the Pakistani Manner 11 Aug 2013 | 04:43 pm
This recipe originally appeared in BBC Good Food Magazine, India, October, 2012, for a ‘Pakistani Feast’ feature I was commissioned for. Strawberries with fresh mint or maybe some grilled peaches wit...
Kuku Sibzamini – Saffron Potato Fritters in the Persian Manner 9 Jul 2013 | 09:56 pm
This recipe first appeared in BBC Good Food Magazine, India, March 2013, for a ‘Persian Delights’ feature I was commissioned for. It has to be fried. And preferably spicy. And you have to wash it dow...
August edition of BBC Good Food magazine offers gluten-free recipes and new guide 8 Jul 2013 | 03:33 pm
Date: Mon, 8 July 2013 We have been working alongside the BBC’s Good Food magazine and are pleased to announce that the August edition has a dedicated section on gluten-freeWhen a food has less tha....
BBC Good Food 19 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
BBC Good Food BBC Good Food Magazine is targeted at people who love cooking and eating. It’s full of mouth-watering ideas for quick everyday dishes and other recipes. Plus each month, there’s an excl...
On Your Dog's Coat 7 Mar 2012 | 09:48 pm
These coupons in this Pedigree dry dog food provide recommended daily allowances for different types based on a good food required to maintain free stuff in such offers. There is no doubt that finding...
Economic development: A solution or cause of poverty? (Short) 29 Nov 2011 | 04:02 am
Some say that economic development is the solution to poverty: others say it is the cause of poverty. What is your opinion? Many people today have clean water, good food, comfortable houses and money...
Greece is the word 7 Apr 2011 | 12:14 am
Not to mention, Italy. A ten-day trip to the Mediterranean to study Greek and Roman mythology. Not to mention, good food, good wine and great beaches. Wish I were going, but's Jen's summer v...