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More good stuff design related news:
Pubcon’s Twitter Fail 12 Nov 2009 | 08:21 pm
Didn’t get a chance to write any updates about the Pubcon, so it is a pity that my first update is going to be a complaint, but I guess since everyone is talking about the good stuff (of which there i...
Out with the Old 17 Sep 2010 | 03:08 am
Well, this blog/guild/site has been DOA for a while now. So I figured I’d update the DB and all that good stuff. Don’t feel like importing the old crap, as no one visits here anymore. Kinda sad reall...
The Importance of Good Branding 25 Jan 2010 | 05:06 pm
Designing an interface can be extremely difficult when you’ve got a subpar logo or lackluster brand to start with. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received a logo designed in Word or MS Paint and...
Real-World Analysis and Optimization of XNA Framework Games on Windows Phone 7 30 Oct 2010 | 06:00 am
Good code design, performance tips, and a solid understanding of the platform are all essential to game development. Learn how to use the Microsoft’s Advanced Technology Group's (ATG) battle-tested te...
Social Networking and SEO 11 Aug 2011 | 12:06 am
Good web design and SEO (search engine optimization) are becoming a delicate balance of many different elements and these elements seem to change on almost a daily basis. Things that were important i...
Good stuff to take into the New Year 1 Jan 2011 | 05:57 am
It is the last day of 2010 and therefore seems like a very good time to reflect on what thoughts I would especially like to take forward with me into 2011. So here are just two top-of-mind insights t...
What makes a good UX designer? 26 May 2011 | 07:30 am
Photo courtesy of Sorensiim I have always had this post at the back of my mind and often check myself against the qualities I have listed here. Of course I fail in some of them, but if you can aim to...
Essential Tips for a Good Website Design? 4 Nov 2010 | 03:47 pm
When it comes to creating your website, you should exert every effort to make sure that it serves its purpose of presenting what your business is all about to your potential customers. Here are some i...
this would be easier with Tony 17 Feb 2011 | 08:45 am
Yesterday’s hangboard session was good stuff. Finally my plan is coming together. Small holds felt small. Big holds felt pumpy. I’m getting a practical sense for how to combine varying durations and i...
PollExpert by Ajaxel written on Simple CMS, free to download 2 Nov 2011 | 09:02 am
Good stuff to make polls! Login details after you download: user: password: 1234 Download here. Ajaxel_poll_v2.0.rar