Most google qr code related news are at:

Remo Brindisi troppo avanti nei tempi soprattutto per Comacchio 24 Aug 2013 | 07:11 pm
Remo Brindisi era negli anni settanta uno dei principali artisti italiani e non solo. Nel settanta si trasferì a Lido di Spina dove fece costruire la sua incredibile casa-museo. Oggi scopro che nel 19...
Costantini e Occhi: trionfo al X trofeo Bagno Medusa di bocce a coppie 24 Aug 2013 | 01:05 pm
Walter Costantini e Michele Occhi si impongono al Decimo trofeo Bagno Medusa di bocce a coppie svoltosi al Bagno Medusa del Lido degli Scacchi (FE). In finale i neocampioni riescono a recuperare un’in...
More google qr code related news:
Google QR Code for Local Businesses Explained 10 Jul 2010 | 02:40 pm
I haven’t made up my mind yet on the whole QR Code launch. QR Codes are used throughout the world in places like Europe, Japan, and Australia. Potentially, QR Codes could be the biggest thing that eve...
Google QR Code 10 Jul 2010 | 02:05 pm
Google has launched a brand new mobile marketing campaign in its Google Places – a “QR Code.” Google is slowly begun sending a QR Code Decal to some 190,000 local businesses across the United States....
Google QR Code Generator – Plus Google Analytics Tracking! – In 9 Simple Steps 14 Sep 2011 | 06:25 pm
Google QR Codes – done right, they’re great. Done wrong, and you’re completely wasting your time. Think I’m just exaggerating? Maybe just kidding? I’m not – you can really lose potential customer...
Edil al e para qe lancon QR code 11 Sep 2011 | 05:47 am
Create and Manager QR Codes on iPhone with myQRCode 14 Oct 2011 | 05:12 am
myQRCode is the simplest and most convenient and easiest way to manage QR Codes from your iPhone. You can create your own QR Codes, stock and share them. You can read QR Codes from pictures of your de...
Ich war jung und brauchte die Klamotten 27 Apr 2012 | 08:53 pm
Nachdem die Models von Victoria Secret ihre Wäsche mit QR-Codes getauscht hatten, sind jetzt die Kunden dran nackte Haut zu zeigen. Das Credo von dem Modelabel Americanino lautet: Strippen statt shop...
Groovy Fish now on Android Phones 21 Dec 2009 | 10:15 am
The new Groovy Fish application is now available for download on the Android Marketplace. Groovy Fish is a lot like the Fish gadget, but also includes lily pads and flowers. QR Codes (Scan to downloa...
How To Capture Powerful Insights from Retail QR Code Campaigns [Case Study] 28 May 2011 | 04:55 am
by Angie Schottmuller, Search Engine Watch Can QR codes provide measurable insights that other marketing tools cannot? Check out the powerful analytics from this retail case study and learn five simp...
Make Drupal load faster with Google analytics asynchronous tracking code 26 Apr 2010 | 11:43 pm
New Google analytics code loads asynchronously allowing your page to load faster. It is easy to migrate from old code snippet to asynchronous tracking code. Asynchronous tracking is an improved way t...
QR Code Savvy! 18 Apr 2012 | 04:42 am
We’ve added the ability to place QR codes on all of your tickets! QR Codes are a great way to get online information to your customers from a printed source, and now the tickets users print will cont...