Most google transit on iphone related news are at:

Telling time with open realtime data 15 Dec 2009 | 06:10 am

This past weekend, I had a little bit of time to work on a hobby project: This is my Sony Ericsson MBW-150 bluetooth watch, showing the next few SF Muni bus arrival times for a nearby stop. The code ...

City-Go-Round, a new transit app directory and open data site 11 Dec 2009 | 06:51 am

This site has been in semi-retirement for a while, as I focus more on things like the Transit Developers group, but I wanted to tell you about a site that just launched: City-Go-Round is in many ways...

More google transit on iphone related news:

Google Goggles on iPhone its great! 6 Oct 2010 | 10:16 am

Google Goggles is becoming a good player in the information business. Have a look and download it to your iPhone or Android based phone. Click here to view the embedded video.

Will the Apple iPhoney please stand up. Apple ifone, Apple ipone, Apple hiphone. 4 Feb 2010 | 07:37 pm

Ever heard of the Apple ipone or ifone or even hiphone? Neither have I. But apparently over 500,000 searches are done on google for these iPhone wannabe every month. I came to this conclusion while re...

G-Whizz! Now Available! 5 May 2010 | 06:56 am

Are you tired of having to switch between browser windows just to access your favorite Google websites?  Are you yearning for the ability to multitask your Google services on iPhone or iPad? If so, G...

Google music comes to iPhone in the form of a webapp 14 Sep 2011 | 05:10 am

Instead of going to iOS app store, Google has launched its music service “Google Music” on iPhone in the form of a webapp contrary to a native app on Android. You just need to point your iPhone’s brow...

Comunicando 120 Centralitas virtuales online Fonyou, EVoice, Google Voice en iPhone, de viaje y The Cadmus 22 Sep 2010 | 06:33 am

Centralitas virtuales online: Fonyou, EVoice y Google Voice, que llega al iPhone Breves: Kit de adaptadores de enchufes para viaje y The Cadmus Buzón. Promo de @droidcast y #Jpod10 La música es de ...

Google Goggles arrivera sur iPhone avant la fin de l’année, mais pas d’application Web en vue 25 Aug 2010 | 03:05 am

 Sailesh Nalawadi, le chef de projets de la firme de Google, avait laissé entendre en juin dernier que Google Goggles pour iPhone était sur les rails sans pour autant donner plus de détails quant à ...

Cherchez Tilt sur Google avec votre iPhone 7 Apr 2011 | 12:14 am

Un petit easter egg que je viens de découvrir sur Twitter. Ouvrez Safari sur votre iPhone et dans la barre de recherche en haut à droite, tapez le mot « tilt ». Vous devriez voir la fenêtre légèreme...

Get the Google+ App for iPhone on Your iPad 25 Jul 2011 | 03:03 am

Posted in All NewsiPad The Google+ mobile app is available for the Apple iPhone 4 now. Here’s a trick from informationweek to make it work on your iPad, too. Note: I used the iPhone Configuration Uti...

Gipuzkoa más sostenible, con el planificador transporte público Mugipuzkoa 19 Apr 2011 | 04:15 am

Estupenda esta iniciativa de la aplicación TIC a la movilidad, que nos aporta un servicio útil, sencillo y práctico. Un planificador basado en Google Transit con el  que movernos por Gipuzkoa con tran...

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