Most grand seiko related news are at:

パテック フィリップ Twenty~4® RGモデル入荷 16 Aug 2013 | 12:47 pm
大阪ヒルトンプラザ店 皆さま、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 関西では、猛暑が続いております。 最近では、花火大会が連日開催されており、暑さを忘れ 納涼を楽しまれている方も多いと思います。 夜にお出かけされると蚊などの虫よけ対策に大変かと思いますが 市販の虫よけスプレーはふりすぎるとむせたりするので 手作り虫よけスプレーを作ると小さいお子様や ペットがいらっしゃるご家庭でも...
CLOSE UP 10 Aug 2013 | 03:18 pm
銀座本店 フランス語で「黄金の頂き」の名をもつブランド。 「クレドール」 日本ならではの美意識をもとに巧みな技術と美しさを追求した時計。 だからこそ、世界でも通用するのです。 今日、ご紹介するのは、その中でも20周年を迎えた 1.98mmという世界有数の極薄ムーブメントCal.6870を積んだ 世界限定30本のSIGNO(シグノ)GBAQ964 です。 ...
More grand seiko related news:
Часы Grand Seiko становятся доступны каждому! 6 Oct 2010 | 03:13 am
Имея за плечами 50 лет успешных продаж на внутреннем рынке Японии, часы Grand Seiko практически не были известны в других странах, не имели международной дистрибьюторской сети.
So, I was aware of Grand Seiko's reputation . . . 11 Aug 2012 | 10:39 am
but never cared for the looks of any of their offerings till I saw this one. Just received today, a discontinued model but I like it a lot. I can...
Seiko veya Zenith, Doğu ile Batı 23 Feb 2013 | 02:29 pm
Bence Seiko ve diğer uzakdoğu kökenli saat üreticileri estetik ve ruh olarak çok kötü saatler üretiyor. Seiko'nun sadece 5 serisini, Sportsmatic ve Grand Seiko'ları çok beğeniyorum, bir de Citizen var...
GRAND SEIKO GMT SBGM 003J 14 Apr 2013 | 01:01 pm
Tahun 2011, saya melihat jam ini pertama kali dikenakan oleh teman sehobi yang baru saja membelinya dalam kondisi baru. Saat itu saya sudah langsung jatuh cinta dengan Grand Seiko ini. Selain karena ...
Another Grand Seiko review (SBGR061) - (11 Replies) 1 Aug 2013 | 02:34 am
I love Seiko. I have to admit, I really love Seiko. But it wasn’t love at the first sight. The first was a « sumo » (SBDC001) but this one didn’t left me a huge souvenir. The second one, the famous SK...
SEIKO Automatic SARB033 'SPIRIT' 19 Aug 2013 | 07:09 pm
SEIKO SARB033 sering disebut sebagai 'The poor's man Grand seiko' karena desainnya sangat dekat dengan desain Grand Seiko yang menunjukkan kesederhanaan dan detail finishing yang apik. Diameter 38mm ...
Seiko Baby Tuna 2 Aug 2013 | 04:30 am
Seiko watches are always interesting. I have featured some from my personal collection which are Grand Seikos...which I believe are probably the best value for money in the high end watch market tod...
Grand Theft Auto 5 Trailer 3 Nov 2011 | 03:33 am
Grand Theft Auto 5 Trailer The much anticipated trailer for the new Grand Theft Auto 5 game. Where is GTA 5 set? Who is the main character in GTA V? The wait is over...
As festas de casamento estão cada vez mais criativas 7 Nov 2011 | 04:00 pm
As festas de casamento estão cada vez mais criativas e algumas se tornam verdadeiros mega-eventos com grandes produções. Na reportagem é abordado desde o Dia do noivo a corneteiros em trajes medievai...
Casamento realizado em Libras mostra gestos de amor e superação 19 Sep 2011 | 03:00 pm
Em Maringá um casamento diferente emocionou a cidade. O casamento foi realizado em libras, pois os noivos e grande parte dos amigos são deficientes auditivos. A cerimônia foi realizada pelo padre que...