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Exciting times for Ecovision 15 Aug 2013 | 01:17 pm
Ecovision - Why we do what we do 13 Aug 2013 | 06:44 pm
"I worry about the nature of the world my children will inherit. We all do. Renewable technology isn't complex, it's here, now. Widespread adoption of this technology and other renewables will mean th...
More ground source heat pumps related news:
How to put a spin on Renewable Energy 12 Sep 2010 | 08:31 pm
It’s a funny thing about news. The Energy Saving Trust publishes an entirely factual, non-biased report showing the results of their study of 83 air-source and ground-source heat pumps. Thereafter fol...
Beat The Heat: Toronto's YWCA Elm Centre Keeps Cool With Careful Design 24 Jul 2012 | 10:18 pm
Ground source heat pumps help keep it comfortable without conventional air conditioning
Water Source Heat Pumps 4 Apr 2013 | 11:13 pm
Water Source Heat Pumps move heat by burying coils on the bed of nearby ponds or lakes that transfer heat to your home. Geothermal heat pumps and ground source heat pumps operate the same way transfer...
RHI Tariffs for Domestic Air Source and Ground Source Heat Pumps Confirmed - And It's Great News! 16 Jul 2013 | 02:40 pm
Tariffs for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) have been confirmed by the Dept. for Energy & Climate Change (DECC). Homeowners who install Renewable Energy Systems will qualify for Renewable Heat Ince...
ASHRAE Call for GHP Technical Papers 26 Aug 2013 | 11:35 pm
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) will convene its Annual Conference in Seattle, WA on June 28-July 2, 2014. Track 3—"Ground Source Heat Pumps: Sta...
Correctly installed heat pumps 'perform well' 9 Aug 2013 | 07:51 pm
Air and ground source heat pumps could save home owners up to £3,000 a year against conventional heating systems – provided they are installed and fitted correctly in a suitable dwelling, an Energy Sa...
Air Source Heat Pumps 2 Jun 2010 | 11:54 am
Air Source Heat Pumps Air source heat pumps absorb heat from the outside air and convert it to useable heating. They are a proven technology and can operate in temperatures as low as -20° C. Heat pu...
GSHP Consumer Checklist 8 Sep 2010 | 10:42 pm
The Energy Saving Trust, at the end of its recent report which followed a study of 83 Ground Source, and Air Source heat pumps provided a list of consumer guidelines – something I’ve been looking for,...
Heat pumps prove a big draw at eco open homes event 20 Sep 2012 | 09:48 pm
Taking in part in the recent eco-open homes event which coincided with the nationwide Heritage Open Days proved again to be a worthwhile experience, with lots of interest in our ground source heat pum...
Air Source Heat Pumps 5 Oct 2012 | 03:38 pm
An air source heat pump is located on the outside of your home and connects to the heating system inside. If your home is particularly ...