Most haters gon hate batman related news are at:

Libertarianism Isn’t Dangerous, Government Failing to Do Their Jobs Is 1 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
Chris Christie on why he is for the NSA and why ‘libertarianism is dangerous’: “I think what we as a country have to decide is: Do we have amnesia? Because I don’t,” he said. “And I remember what we ...
Musician Dedicates Song to Trayvon Martin, Gets Attacked On Stage 18 Jul 2013 | 02:05 am
Well, I guess we know which side she believed in the George Zimmerman & Trayvon Martin case. All this cat is trying to do — and it’s Lester Chambers of the 60′s group ‘The Chambers Brothers’ — is ded...
More haters gon hate batman related news:
Haters gon' hate 15 Apr 2012 | 02:59 pm
I guess this reaction is quite delayed, but as the YouTube video link for 20 Reasons I Dislike the Philippines has been taken down, I managed to track it down to its original site. ( EDIT: I've taken...
I'm a sue me!!...Fuck am I gon' blog about?? 28 Jan 2009 | 11:33 am
I feel like bloggin' just for the one person who cares at all what i'm doing, and all the rest of you haters and lurkers. Yeah, I know you haters click the link from my facebook page just to