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Sacred Time Management: Creating Space, Ease, and Time for You 8 Nov 2011 | 09:10 am
Start: 2011-11-18 7:00 pm End: 2011-11-18 8:30 pm Timezone: US/Central Start: 2011-11-18 7:00 pm End: 2011-11-18 8:30 pm Timezone: US/Central Register: $15 Location: AOMA, 4701 West Gate Blvd.,...
Cultivating Stillness and Presence – Quiet the Mind and Enliven Your Spirit! 8 Nov 2011 | 09:04 am
Start: 2011-12-09 7:00 pm End: 2011-12-09 8:30 pm Timezone: US/Central Start: 2011-12-09 7:00 pm End: 2011-12-09 8:30 pm Timezone: US/Central Register: $15 AOMA: 4701 Westgate Boulevard, Austin...