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More heavenly cake creations related news:
What Cake Are You? 1 Mar 2011 | 04:23 am
Kalian suka makan kek tak? Sy suka sangat! Tapi tengok baker juga. Especially cakes from Secret Recipe and Heavenly Cake. Tahukah anda, cake juga sebenarnya melambangkan personaliti anda. Jadi mari ki...
Doomsday Book izle Kıyamet Kitabı 24 Jun 2012 | 06:14 am
Film Konusu:3 farklı hikayenin iç içe geçtiği filmde “Heaven’s Creation” bölümünde elektrik mühendisi Pak Do-won tarafından bir tapınağı aydınlatması için bir robot üretilir; robot tapınağın baş rahib...
Kıyamet Kitabı filmi izle 28 Jul 2012 | 10:53 pm
3 farklı hikayenin iç içe geçtiği filmde “Heaven’s Creation” bölümünde elektrik mühendisi Pak Do-won tarafından bir tapınağı aydınlatması için bir robot üretilir; robot tapınağın baş rahibi Hye-joo ta...
Baking Roundup 29 Oct 2012 | 10:35 am
I tell ya, people. That Heavenly Cakes Bakethrough I participated in really killed my ability to bake AND blog. I am TRYING to get my mojo back, but as you might have noticed I'm not succeeding. I'm n...
Jul 14, diaper bike 14 Jul 2013 | 11:13 am
We love hearing from our readers who are across the ocean! This creative diaper cake creation comes directly from Irene in Italia. Bellisima! Our readers
{Giveaway} The TomKat Studio $100 Shop Credit and the Heavenly Cake Pops Easy Roller! 24 Jul 2013 | 09:35 am
Happy Wednesday! How about a little something special as a mid-week treat for you? I’m so happy to be announcing that I’m hosting a giveaway for two amazing prizes from two wonderful sources! Kim of T...
Floral Sugar Art Class: Angeline Stanley 11 Jul 2013 | 02:17 pm
2 days private class with Angeline Stanley from Heavenly Cake. She did 6 flowers such as Damask Rose, Hydrengias, Tulip, Cateliya, Rununculus,Bougainvillea.
Double Chocolate Waffles 27 Apr 2012 | 12:15 pm
As promised, here’s the second chocolate-for-breakfast variation…waffles! Waffles are heavenly creations, with pockets for butter…and syrup. YAAAAS! This recipe is very similar to the previous Double...
Cake Pops For Valentine’s Day 15 Feb 2012 | 11:52 am
Cake Pops is a great way to celebrate Valentines day and surprise that special someone with a home made dessert creation. This easy to follow step by step video on how to make cake pops was brought to...
Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 19 Dec 2011 | 11:17 pm
Christmas is such a fun time and we have been working hard to create some wonderful one off cakes for our nearest and dearest. I had to share this latest creation with you as the inspiration for this...