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2012年6月4日http代理大全 最新验证http代理服务器地址1241个 4 Jun 2012 | 04:08 pm;巴西;俄罗斯;蒙古;越南;越南;河南省郑州市 联通;...
IP加速器的客户端是著名的Socks5代理软件SocksCap的升级版,是一款简单易用、兼容性强的免费代理软件,可以降低网络延迟,提高游戏质量,同时让用户享受网吧特权。 21 Apr 2012 | 07:28 pm
IP加速器有什么特色? 加速网络,可以加速你的网络,解决延迟高、不稳定和反应慢等各种网络问题; 网吧奖励,可以在家享受网吧特权,让你使用网吧IP登录游戏; 功能强大,可以同时加速多种游戏,只需要将想加速的游戏拖放到加速器中即可; 安全稳定,在全国范围组建虚拟网络,已顺利运行达六年之久,适合各种上网环境的用户。 口碑好,具有『速度快、服务器多、分布范围广』的特色,完全靠口碑在玩家之间传播。...
More hide referrer information related news:
Unblock Youtube 3 Jun 2013 | 12:21 am
Instant Messengers: Msn AIM Yahoo Gtalk Remove cookies Remove Scripts Hide referrer information Show entry form
Can Apple’s Siri be trusted? IBM thinks not 28 May 2012 | 05:16 pm
Is Siri safe? Or is IBM trying to hide classified information about hot zpatcho? The user agreement for Apple’s Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, states the things you say will be reco...
Referral & Information Service 16 Jul 2010 | 04:21 am
Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! 15 Nov 2011 | 03:47 am
Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! And so it begins! Google had previously said they would stop sending referral information for logge...
Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! 14 Nov 2011 | 10:47 pm
Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! Google Search Stops Sending Referral Info- Uh oh! And so it begins! Google had previously said they would stop sending referral information for logge...
How To Hide Drives In Windows 7 (from other users) 4 Oct 2012 | 05:02 pm
When you buy new computer, you may want to hide some information or your personal data from other users. This can happen when your computer is used by many people so that time you create different use...
Step-by-step guide on how to hide your information from Apple 18 Oct 2012 | 05:21 pm
By default, all Apple devices running iOS 6 will now have an option “Limit Ad Tracking” that is switched to “Off”. This means that advertisers can use your data to target adverts based on your browsin...
Google: Analytics Under Attack 28 Oct 2012 | 06:40 am
About this time last year, analytics under attack was one of the main subjects of concern throughout the Internet. Google announced that it would cease providing referrer information in some instances...
Windows 8 launch, more than 1,000 types of computer integrated 7 Nov 2012 | 08:39 pm
More than a year after the initial referral information and trial, Windows 8 finally reach the common users. Representatives of Microsoft talked about Windows 8 can master all devices from tablets to ...
Puzzle - First to solve wins 17 Nov 2012 | 06:35 am
For years I've had an idea in my head about a way to hide some information in a bunch of numbers. I actually got around to coding an implementation and figured I'd run a competition. The first person ...