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More how to move bloger widget related news:

Extremely annoying screen bug 1 day old HD+ 27 Aug 2013 | 05:33 am

I have uploaded a Youtube video that shows it all. Twitter support suggested, and I quote "try moving the widget to the side so you can swipe on an empty spot of the screen" Thinking seriousley of ret...

fMobi 3.02 now available for Belle 27 Apr 2012 | 05:21 pm

fMobi 3.02 is now available from Nokia Store. It has new widget ui with some fixes to it. And now there’s also some settings to the widget. Image cache is also moved to E: drive, so everyone should be...

PAULSANTOSH.COM is now BLOGGERBIN.COM 17 May 2012 | 02:05 pm

I’m glad to announce that I’ve moved to WordPress and switched the domain. As I’m new to WordPress it took a lot of time to setup this blog and to install plugins, adding widgets, setting analytics et...

Widget to Put Comment Box Under Posting 3 Jun 2009 | 01:27 pm

Sometimes ago I have posted an articel about "How to Create Commnet Box Under Posting" it use haloscan comment box. It working well for some bloger and bad for some bloger too. If you failed or dislik...

Displaying Widgets Only On Specific Pages 22 Jul 2011 | 04:35 am

Displaying Widgets Only On Specific Blogger Pages - If you have see a blog with a widget that moving or changing in each page. And you feel it's very nice, but it's just a blogger blog. Then this tuto...

One Thousand And One Little Thing On The Car 18 Mar 2011 | 04:36 am

 This VW Beetle is also manages to move under its own power, despite the fact that it and its just an incredible amount of any widgets!

I have moved to a better site 5 Jun 2011 | 12:12 am

I'm Ok, I'm not dead or anything, I've just moved to a new blog where I've been working in for some time. There you will find all the info about custom sidebars and entry widgets you need, some WordP...

Mengatur Tata Letak Widgets 27 Feb 2011 | 08:04 am

Ada beberapa rekan bloger yang bertanya tentang widgets yang harus ada di blog itu apa saja. Dan lagi-lagi  jadi ada bahan lagi buat postingan dan di sini saya cuma berusaha untuk menjawab pertanyaan ...

Move date under the title post 5 Jul 2011 | 04:21 pm

Default setting in is the date placement is on the top of the title. You might place the under the post title by following below steps. Go to Design --> Edit HTML --> Expand Widgets Templ...

ATN: We are Moved 20 Mar 2009 | 02:12 am

This is an important news for all the visitors, due to some lack oftechnical and some lack of facility the blog moved to In order to read my future posts please visit forhttp://eyoosuf.blo...

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