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How to install Zend framework using Wamp 2.0 on Windows xp ... 18 Feb 2012 | 08:16 pm

- MySQL 5.1.36 - PHP 5.3.0. Zend Framework 1.10.3 Download ( Download quick start kit. http://framework.zend…

How To Install Magento On Localhost Without URL Validation Error 16 Feb 2011 | 09:28 am

If you have ever tried to set-up a localhost install of the Magento e-Commerce system for development purposes using WAMP, XAMPP you may have already run into the problem of URL / Domain validation ha...

Performance tuning for Magento 27 Jun 2009 | 05:53 pm

For the most part, I have used WAMP on Windows XP for development and used Simple Helix for magento hosting; they really do make Magento run fast on their server. Recently working on a project in whi...

Send E-mails from localhost 15 Feb 2010 | 02:33 am

I was so worried that i was not able to send the E-mail from the localhost while using WAMP and i asked to my teacher that how can i send the E-mail from the localhost ? and he instructed me to follow...

How To Install Magento On Localhost Without URL Validation Error 16 Feb 2011 | 04:28 am

If you have ever tried to set-up a localhost install of the Magento e-Commerce system for development purposes using WAMP, XAMPP you may have already run into the problem of URL / Domain validation ha...

Install Magento 1.7 using WAMP 2.2e 13 Nov 2012 | 08:54 pm

Install Magento 1.7 using WAMP 2.2e  On Magento official site, they clearly stated that Magento 1.7 does not work on WAMP 2.2x and we may need to use WAMP 2.1. However, there is a work around on this ...

How to Install Virtual Host using WAMP Server for your Magento 1.7 Setup 14 Nov 2012 | 05:17 pm

How to Install Virtual Host using WAMP Server 2.2 for your Magento 1.7 Setup Ok, I normally use WAMP Server to setup my own local server machine. I use it on my WordPress site, Drupal, and now with Ma...

Install phTagr on Windows using WAMP 15 Dec 2012 | 02:13 pm

This post describes how to install webserver Apache, database mySQL and PHP on Windows using WAMP. WAMP is a great webserver toolset to get the free multi user web gallery phTagr running under windows...

Wamp not executing scripts 16 Jan 2013 | 02:05 pm

Hello I am new to php and using wamp. when i run a script fomr my browser,it is not executing,it just displays the php code. here is my...

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