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Sport in Tv, oggi 27 agosto 2013: playoff di ritorno di Champions League, tennis e ciclismo in diretta tv e streaming 27 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm

Anche in settimana, lo sport non si ferma per la gioia dei numerosi telespettatori appassionati. Non solo calcio, dunque, ma anche ciclismo e tennis saranno gli sport trasmessi anche in diretta tv e s...

Neffa VS Emma riguardo il testo di Dimentico tutto. Si è accorto solo ora del singolo certificato oro? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm

C’è qualcosa che non comprendo più, ovvero i personaggi famosi (presentatori, attori, cantanti, sportivi e chi più ne ha più ne metta) che tendono a criticarsi tra loro usando i social network. Lo tro...

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New version: Hugh Laurie (yeah, the guy from House) 24 Jun 2011 | 05:01 am

Some weeks back, friend of no notes Marc “Disquiet” Weidenbaum alerted me to a forthcoming version of “SJI,” from Hugh Laurie — a name, I must admit, that meant nothing to me. But as you may know, it’...

Hugh Laurie...... 10 May 2011 | 09:30 am

Just realised I like blues music. I was so intrigued by seeing Hugh Laurie's album in iTunes, I thought I would read some reviews. It is fair to say they were all rave reviews, so I took a punt and d...

Série Docteur House 8 Sep 2010 | 10:00 am

Ce site dédié entièrement à la série Docteur House avec Hugh Laurie et mis à jour quotidiennement af...

The Canterville Ghost 16 May 2012 | 02:31 am

Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) The Canterville Ghost Ich mach mal nen eigen Thread dafür auf Stephen Fry confirms Hugh Laurie reunion: We're cooking up new project Stephen Fry has announced that ...

Hugh Laurie quiere acabar con el Dr. House 30 Sep 2011 | 06:12 am

Hugh Laurie parece harto de su papel de Dr. House, yo también para que negarlo, y aunque supuso una autentica revolución en el ámbito televisivo en sus primera temporadas, estamos hablando de un produ...

Hugh Laurie @ Jay Leno – 17.05.2012 19 May 2012 | 06:21 am

Hugh Laurie a fost invitat la Jay Leno aseară. A vorbit, printre altele, despre ziua House, declarată oficial pe 21 mai, despre sfârșitul serialului, despre olimpiada de la Londra și despre faptul că ...

61a emisión de "El Diario Extravagante" 11 Nov 2011 | 04:18 pm

Variopintos temas. Música de: James Taylor, Hugh Laurie, Calle 13, Marilyn Manson y Pink Floyd.

Why Hugh Laurie drives with tinted car windows 14 Apr 2011 | 07:54 pm

World famous comedian, actor and musician, Hugh Laurie, is reported to have found car window tinting to be a must whilst driving around near his Los Angeles home. The reason for the House star’s enth...

Dr House 21 Apr 2009 | 10:00 pm

Cette série c'est la meilleure!! Un scénario super, de très bons acteurs, surtout Hugh Laurie (miam! ...

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