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ICC World Twenty20 Sri Lanka 2012 - Ticket sales commenced on 26 March 26 Mar 2012 | 07:13 pm
2012 විස්සයි20 ලෝක කුසලාන ක්රිකට් තරගාවලියේ ටිකට් අලෙවිය අද ඇරැඹේ. විස්සයි 20 ලෝක කුසලාන කි්රකට් තරගාවලියේ ප්රවේශ පත්රය නිල වශයෙන් එළිදැක්වීම ඊයේ කොළඹ දී සිදුවුණ අතර ඒ I.C.C. ප්රධාන විධායක ...
Jan Lamb Stand-up Comedy 2010 @ Genting! 27 May 2010 | 09:00 pm
This is the first time I have won something from a lucky-draw kind of competition. I have always wanted to see him LIVE but was put off by the ticket price. Cheapest tickets (the pair I have just won)...
overview~ 28 Sep 2009 | 09:34 pm
here i am! wanted to share what had i done in few months ago... as i mentioned b4, i won prizes from MyFM , MyFM birthday bash concert at genting , 4 VIP tickets entry , and sponsor by SHOKOBUTSU.. M...
Hello les gent francsais, 12 Feb 2011 | 04:17 am
We have two tickets left for our secret show a paris next week. Do you want them? Well if you do then follow this link or whatever it is and we’ll see you soon! Bon weekend et bon chance! Joseph Le...
Gent fietst-prijsvraag 14 Sep 2005 | 08:57 pm
De winnaars van onze Gent Fiets prijsvraag zijn: Mevrouw Sabrina Verschaeve De heer Dries Allemeersch De winnaars zullen hun 4 tickets weldra in hun brievenbus vinden. Gent fietst-prijsvraag is a p...
IPL 2012 should have cheaper tickets 14 Jun 2011 | 07:13 am
With the fifth edition of the IPL to be played in 2012 around the same time as the ICC World T20, it will be worthwhile for the IPL governing council to do some serious thinking when it comes to their...
2012 Under19 ICC Cricket World Cup Tickets, Venue, Schedule, Teams 20 Nov 2011 | 07:56 pm
9th U19 Youth Cricket World Cup 2012 Schedule, Fixtures, Tickets, Stadiums, Format The U19 Youth Cricket World Cup is a one-day cricket competition between international U-19 cricketing teams. This pr...
Get your ticket to the Cricket World Cup Through Mobilink Indigo 28 Jan 2011 | 11:00 pm
Cricket craze all around us now a days because the Cricket mega event 10th ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 almost knocking your door. People across the country and world are getting excited about World Cup...
Artikel: AA Gent sluit seizoen af met zege en Europees ticket ... (bron: 22 May 2012 | 04:15 am
AA Gent heeft in de terugwedstrijd van de barrage om Europees voetbal Cercle Brugge geklopt met 2-1. De Gentenaars waren na een 1-5 zege op het veld... Lees verder op
Artikel: Benito Raman wint met AA Gent ook de return van de barrages tegen Cercle Br... (bron: 22 May 2012 | 04:25 am
Vorige donderdag nam AA Gent al een grote optie op Europees voetbal en gisteren kwam dat ticket voor de Europa League niet meer in het gedrang.... Lees verder op