Most images of famous pot smokers related news are at: – Smokers Association | Lifestyle as it should be !

Electronic cigarettes threaten tobacco? 22 Apr 2013 | 05:32 pm

The electronic cigarettes are a relatively new invention, the first products being created in 2003, and currently not a very big part of the whole cigarette market. Only the United States the market i...

The Netherlands is the first country to partially overturn its smoking ban. 17 Nov 2010 | 05:02 am

By Natalie Wain Smokers in the Netherlands will now be able to light-up again in over 2000 of the country"s small owner-operated bars or pubs. The partial over-turning of the blanket ban, which was ...

More images of famous pot smokers related news:

Famous smokers - Encyclopedia 4 Oct 2008 | 09:01 pm

This is a partial list of famous people, for whom smoking is clearly a recognised part of their public image, or who are known for some unusual aspect of smoking. Smoking is a part of history, of cul...

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