Most instalando plugins lightroom related news are at:

Bokeh de Câmera no Photoshop 28 Aug 2010 | 05:06 am
No artigo abaixo falarei sobre o filtro Lens Blur do Photoshop, utilizado para simular o desfoque típico de câmera e também mostrarei uma técnica para criar máscara utilizando canais. O termo Bokeh v...
Extrator de Preset para Lightroom/Flickr 18 Jun 2009 | 02:58 am
Um link interessantíssimo, o site abaixo possui um sistema que analisa uma imagem do Flickr, executa uma engenharia reversa e tenta criar um PRESET para o módulo Develop do Lightroom para replicar o t...
More instalando plugins lightroom related news:
Plugins en Gimp. Plugins Astronomía 9 May 2012 | 07:04 am
Gimp es un potente programa de edición gráfica. Podemos aumentar su potencial instalando plugins extras. Para instalar estos paquetes extra escribimos en un terminal: sudo apt-get install gimp-data-e...
Poner contraseña a paginas y ocultarlas 6 Sep 2011 | 12:00 pm
{lang: 'es-419'} Click here to view the embedded video. . . El plugin que estaremos instalando se llama Exclude Pages from Navigation, este nos va a permitir ocultar páginas de una manera sumament...
Photoshelter export plugin version 2 is here!!! 2 May 2010 | 07:57 am
The photoshelter export plugin for Adobe Lightroom is the easiest way to export your photos from Lightroom into your Photoshelter Archive. The new release is completely rewritten to make it compatibl...
Lightroom Plugin: Export to 19 Microstock Sites 7 Dec 2010 | 12:21 am
You can now export from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to upto 19 microstock photography agencies via picWorkflow using the picWorkflow Lightroom Export plugin. … This post has moved to the new blog: htt...
LR/Blog now at version 2.00 6 Oct 2011 | 04:11 am
Timothy Armes is pleased to announce that LR/Blog is now at version 2.00. The blogging plugin for Lightroom recently saw NextGEN gallery as addition and this version jump also include TypePad blogs, a...
TTG Horizon CE 27 Jul 2011 | 05:40 am
July 26, 2011, LOS ANGELES, CA — The Turning Gate has released TTG Horizon CE, a new update to its horizontally scrolling image gallery plugin for Lightroom. TTG Horizon CE is an elegant, horizontal-...
TTG Stage CE Update: New Before/After features. 18 Apr 2011 | 05:49 pm
April 16, 2011 — The Turning Gate has released an update to TTG Stage CE, a plugin for Adobe Lightroom’s Web module which allows the creation of web pages for presenting web video and Flash image gall...
TTG AUTO INDEX CE RELEASED 20 Feb 2011 | 05:09 pm
TTG AUTO INDEX CE RELEASED February 19, 2011 – The Turning Gate has released the next major update to its gallery indexing plugin for Lightroom’s Web module, TTG Auto Index CE. TTG Auto Index CE cre...
SlideShowPro Player updated to 19 Jul 2011 | 07:27 am
The SlideShowPro Player has been updated to version New builds of both the Flash components and Lightroom plugins are now available for download. This release adds (by popular demand) a full...
Instalando o plugin WP Akatus em seu site WordPress 24 Jun 2012 | 02:47 am Através do plugin WP Akatus, o carrinho de compras da Akatus pode ser inserido em qualquer lugar do seu ...