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跨國企劃 / PHANTACi X WHIZ LIMITED 七週年聯名企劃 22 Aug 2013 | 04:33 pm
台灣街頭品牌 PHANTACi 創立至今已滿七周年,為此 PHANTACi 將特別與日本時裝品牌 WHIZ LIMITED 合作七週年跨國聯名企劃,以 PHANTA 7 為發想,將雙方品牌字首 W、P 以及象徵七週年的五芒星元素做完整結合,而五芒星除了是代表雙方的共同識別外,也是一直以來 PHANTACi 在創作中不可或缺的重要設計元素,象徵著低調與華麗並存的品牌風格,全系列將推出包含與 G-SH...
重新定義 / NIKE 推出全新 “Possibilities” 影片 22 Aug 2013 | 04:14 pm
NIKE 從創立以來就不斷強調 “Just do it” 精神,而這句經典的 slogan 也成功成為全世界眾所皆知廣告名言,也啟發了許多人將想法付諸為行動。而 NIKE 在日前推出全新形象影片 – “Possibilities”,影片主要目的在於激勵民眾勇於挑戰比自己更強的對手,把自己的極限與潛能發對到淋漓盡致,並且永遠把目標設得更高一點,再高一點!重新定義了原本的 “JDI” 精神。本支影片也...
More invincible related news:
Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Soccer Team Uniforms 30 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
AN also directly collapses and quickly grow one new.The freshman's toe A has a liking for to compare before blacker long but spirited, cold light flicker.Invincible lonesome Chapter 217 too Xuan pol...
Risk Averse Youth? 14 Nov 2011 | 06:41 pm
Typically when you think of the advice most suitable for individuals in their twenties it is words of caution. Be careful with your money, don’t get yourself into too much debt, you are not invincible...
After four wins from seven starts – top filly Hooray heads for the 1,000 Guineas 16 Feb 2011 | 12:02 am
Hooray, daughter of Invincible Spirit and 2010’s top-rated juvenile filly looks set for the 1,000 Guineas at Newmarket on May 1st. The Cheveley Park Stud filly, trained by Sir Mark Prescott, earned t...
Shogun 11 May 2012 | 04:56 am
A bold English adventurer. An invincible Japanese warlord. A beautiful woman torn between two ways of life, two ways of love. All brought together in an extraordinary saga of a time and a place aflame...
RunCore InVincible, un SSD care se autodistruge 18 May 2012 | 08:43 pm
Acest SSD este ideal pentru “piratii” care descarca de pe internet fisiere de tip torrent, programe, filme, muzica sau jocuri piratate. Cei de la RunCore au gasit o solutie inedita pentru eliminarea d...
The Wanted – Invincible 30 Mar 2012 | 03:33 pm
Tonight could be forgettable Cause I’m drinkin’ all the alcohol Girl I’m throwin’ away my soul I’m forgetting everything that’s cold Cause I like it like that, Yeah I like it like that, Yeah I l...
Marvel Select Iron Man Action Figure 30 May 2012 | 02:11 am
Marvel Select Iron Man Action Figure Check Special Prices!! Marvel Select Iron Man Action Figure Product Features A Diamond Select Release! Blasting off from the pages of The Invincible Iron Man!...
Satyamev Jayate launches app for the iOS platform 26 May 2012 | 06:24 pm
Aamir Khan’s initiative to create a better society – Satyamev Jayate (meaning Truth Stands Invincible) has created a lot of awareness among people. Now, the association has decided to increase its rea...
Steam Droid 2 Mar 2012 | 03:53 am
Liberate the steam droids in over 14 levels and take on the final big boss. Visit the store to upgrade to triple shot, reverse shot, rockets, homing missiles, invincibility, armor, gun power and rapid...
Jungle Treasures 2: Tombs of Ghosts 21 Oct 2011 | 05:58 pm
Jungle Treasures 2: Invincibility - Ammo for all Weapons hacked. A new addicting adventure game with lots of action. You are a treasure hunter, your goal is to collect all of the treasures in each lev...