Most iphone simulator ipa related news are at:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Master of the Seas IPA 1.5.0 iPhone iPod Touch iPad Download 10 Aug 2012 | 04:22 am
Description: Master of the Seas is the first app to combine deep storytelling and brilliant graphics with compelling social gameplay. Become a pirate as you create your ship, build your crew, and emb...
Elemental Knights Online IPA 2.0.8 iPhone iPod Touch iPad Download 9 Aug 2012 | 09:58 pm
Description: This game features: - Monk, thief, bishop, wizard, magiknight, and more job-classes - Thousands of items, a trillion combinations, and cosplay gear such as Neko Ears - Hundreds of NPCs ...
More iphone simulator ipa related news:
OSX How To – View The NSDocumentDirectory Using Finder 5 May 2012 | 09:24 am
This morning I was working on an iOS app that required saving various files to the device. I wanted to track these files while running the iPhone Simulator to make sure my code was handling the files...
iOS How To: Accessing iPhone Simulator’s SQLite 5 May 2012 | 05:51 am
When working with Core Data or SQLite, you never know if what your saving to your database is actually saving. Well if you’re testing with iPhone Simulator you can. Run your test that is supposed to b...
[HOW TO ] Find the Iphone Simulator Folder in Lion ? 15 Feb 2012 | 12:36 am
I installed the Xcode ( SDK for objective-c ) in the Lion then searched for the iPhone simulator folder.I was unable to locate it. The reason was, initially the MAC OS hides this folder. To unhide it...
Xcode Matrix "Raining Code" Effekt 12 Jan 2012 | 04:52 am
Hi Leute Hier ist ne Vorschau des Matrix "Raining Code" Effektes auf dem iPhone Simulator. Wenn du Interesse daran hast, wie man das macht, schreibt mich an ;)
iPhone Simulator: Wo sich die App auf der Festplatte befindet 11 Jun 2010 | 07:40 pm
Wer mit XCode entwickelt und zwangsläufig auch im Simulator testet, hat sich sicherlich schonmal gefragt, wo die Applikation (wie später auf dem Endgerät) auf der lokalen Festplatte abgelegt ist. Das ...
iPhoneシミュレータのアプリの保存先 2 Feb 2011 | 03:01 am
ここらしい $HOME/ライブラリ/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<version>/Application/<app_dir>/ ここを調べればsqliteアプリ内部のでデータの調査が可能だ
2010_12_11 4 Jan 2011 | 05:48 am
Dama.v1.0.3.iPhone-MadHouse.ipa dBMeter (v2.0 os313)-meisterdon.ipa EasySat-v1.21-ElliothNess.ipa Geometrics-v1.0.1.ipa Green.Mountain.Digital.Audubon.Birds.of.California.v1.0.ipa Interchange_3e_Arcad...
uSpeak, la App para aprender idiomas de manera divertida: la experiencia lo es todo 12 Jun 2012 | 09:05 pm
Os voy a hablar de un proyecto empresarial que me ha parecido muy interesante, porque es una nueva forma de enfocar los métodos de aprendizaje de idiomas para plataformas múltiples (desde iPhone y iPa...
iPhone apps | iphone Games apps Pirates – Enchanted by Gold! IPA … 1 Aug 2012 | 02:32 pm
... in APPS.SU is best iphone apps cracked IPA for jailbreak downloads IPA iphone apps ipa, iPad apps and jailbreak iPhone app cracked. iphone apps ipa. ... Muscle Cars - Wallpapers , Car Shows & Quiz...
iPhone apps | iphone Games apps Bodily IPA download | iphone … 1 Aug 2012 | 12:27 pm
Bodily IPA download iPhone Apps , iPad apps IPA. All list in APPS.SU is best iphone apps cracked IPA for jailbreak downloads IPA iphone apps , iPad apps and jailbreak iPhone app cracked. iphone apps ....