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Jay Chou gets injection for pain to play basketball 11 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Source: Sina According to Hong Kong media reports, Jay Chou's star basketball team participated in a match held in Shanghai the day before yesterday, he recently revealed his spondylitis ankylosans w...
Director Chou cheers on Jolin Tsai 5 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Source: Hisoing In recent days, Jolin Tsai has admitted her past relationship with Jay Chou, she revealed Jay Chou caused the breakup by getting involved with Patty Hou, Double J is once again in the...
More jay chou related news:
[Album] Khánh Phương - Không Phải JAY CHOU 14 Apr 2009 | 10:54 pm
Khánh Phương Vol.3 - Không Phải Jay Chou Label: KP Production Release Date: 12/04/2009 Genre: Pop Tracklist: 01 I'm Sorry 02 Rất Tiếc Anh Và Em Hai Thế Giới 03 Tha Thứ 04 Chiếc Khăn Gió Ấm 05 Hạnh Ph...
°)° La cité interdite... 11 Aug 2008 | 12:47 am
*°* Film Chinois +++ ~> Fiche d'identité: Réalisateur: Zhang Yimou Date de sortie: 14 mars 2007 Casting: Gong Li (l'impératrice Phoenix), Chow Yun-Fat (l'empereur Ping), Jay chou (le prince Jai), ...
Kahve Lekesinden Portre 1 Mar 2012 | 10:55 am
Kahve ve fincanı izleriyle yaratılan sepya görünmlü tablo Tayvan’lı sanatçı Jay Chou‘ya ait. 12 saatte tamamlanan bu resimin ilham kaynağı, Chou’nun yazmış olduğu bir aşk şarkısının sözleri. FaceBoo...
Action Movies 2011 list 15 Apr 2011 | 01:07 am
1- The Green Hornet Starring: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, Tom Wilkinson Director: Michel Gondry Release Date: 14 January 2011 2- Ong Bak 3 Starring: Tony Jaa, Dan Chupong...
Up up and AWAY! 7 Feb 2011 | 02:08 pm
Kay, so of ALL the songs I have, I can only pick TWO. WHAT! :( The first song would have to be 一路向北 by Jay Chou. Its actually from his Album. The second song I think is REALLY meaningful is A...
Some songs from Jay Chou and Claire(郭静) 1 Jun 2010 | 10:50 pm
超人不会飞... A meaningful song which is about the life as an artist. 免费教学录影带... A little rock and roll? Playing guitar like 古筝? LoL!! Check out 2:07 also. Funny.. A little of Asian twilight =) Too be co...
Movie Green Hornet (2011) 26 Feb 2011 | 10:08 pm
Starring: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou and Christoph Waltz Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) probably did not think would inherit a very heavy responsibility of his late father. When his father died, Britt became heir...
Jay Chou - Kua Shi Dai 20 Nov 2010 | 10:45 pm
-@- zhōng nìshízhēn ér rào è wù zhēngníng de qīngcháo 钟逆时针而绕恶物狰狞的倾巢 wǒ qiānbēi ānjìng de yú chéngbǎo xià de wǎndǎo 我谦卑安静的于城堡下的晚祷 yāyì yuǎngǔ liúcuàn de mánhuāng ànhào 压抑远古流窜的蛮荒暗号 ér guǎnfēngqín jiàn g...
Jay Chou - Hao Jiu Bu Jian 20 Nov 2010 | 10:43 pm
hǎojiǔbujiàn nǐ hái hǎo ma 好久不见你还好吗 nǐ de xiǎo gǒu zhǎngdà le ma 你的小狗长大了吗 wǒ de wéijīn hái wéi zhe ma 我的围巾还围着吗 wǒ de xiàngpiān dōu diū le ba 我的相片都丢了吧 wǒ jiǎnbudào hòumiàn tóufa 我剪不到后面头发 zhège jièkǒu ...
Jay Chou - Yan Hua Yi Leng 20 Nov 2010 | 10:43 pm
fánhuá shēng dùnrùkōngmén zhéshā le shìrén 繁华声遁入空门折煞了世人 mèng piān lěng zhǎnzhuǎn yīshēng qíng zhài yòu jǐ běn 梦偏冷辗转一生情债又几本 rú nǐ mòrèn shēngsǐ kū děng 如你默认生死枯等 kū děng yī quān yòu yī quān de niánlún 枯...