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Arbeitsrecht: „Der Dritte Weg sichert faire Arbeitsbedingungen“ 15 Nov 2012 | 02:40 pm

Diakonie-Präsident Johannes Stockmeier rechnet damit, dass das Bundesarbeitsgericht in Erfurt am 20. November das Streikverbot in kirchlichen Einrichtungen bestätigt und damit auch den Dritten Weg. Ei...

Resettlement-Flüchtlinge im Portrait: „Ich wurde entführt“ 9 Nov 2012 | 03:56 pm

Majida Matis Feroun* hat mit ihrem Mann und ihren vier Söhnen Bagdad verlassen. Die Familie hat zuvor viel mitgemacht: Sie selbst wurde entführt und ihre Kinder wurden wegen ihres christlichen Glauben...

More jocelyn related news:

Similar? 27 Aug 2011 | 07:36 am

So we have all been commenting that Myla looks a lot like Noah - but I definitely see some similarities to Jocelyn when looking through all the newborn pics. What do you think? (I added a photo on top...

Entrepreneurial Hangout – Jocelyn Predovich 20 Apr 2012 | 02:15 am

This one will be interesting as Brock is interviewing his wife. Jocelyn, who is the president of Limetree Lending Group in Denver, Colorado. She loves her crazy life and especially enjoys living in do...

Wicked Little Lies 8 Dec 2011 | 07:13 pm

Price: $0.99 Product Description Jocelyn has just turned 18, but instead of having the big party, he was happy for as long as it turns out that not only completely a man, but the people who have gro...

Voluptuous Blond Coed Takes Cock In Anus 2 Feb 2012 | 12:42 pm

Voluptuous blonde Jocelyn Jaden is eager to show that she’s just as filthy a whore as her older counterparts in the L.A. porn scene. She teams up with hardcore porn stud Reno who wastes no time in sho...

Top Ten Things You’ll Hear at SVN and Ram Dass Steals The Show 5 May 2012 | 09:23 am

At the recent Social Venture Network Conference held in Skamania, Washington, The Young Mavericks session opened up the Members Gathering with an emotional bang as our own Jared Levy and Jocelyn Kay L...

Un week-end extraordinaire ! 23 Jun 2010 | 06:19 am

C'est ce week-end que j'initierai mes deux amies, Jocelyne (1er degré) et Johanne (2e degré) au Reiki. J'ai réservé un petit chalet au bord de l'eau, en pleine forêt et je peux déjà ressentir toute l...

Presented to their New Owners 20 Jan 2011 | 08:32 am

Presented to their new Masters, Jocelyn and Giselle were overjoyed.  This was the moment they had been prepared for the past 6 months.  Although they remember nothing prior to that day, they only new ...

The Book 14 Jan 2011 | 09:54 am

I'm so thrilled to finally be able to announce that I will be part of Jocelyn Green's new book, "Faith Deployed Again" due out this August!!  I was so blessed to be a part of this collaborative effort...

Bed-bound to Soul-winner 17 Nov 2011 | 04:18 pm

Sister Jocelyn Pena in her Adults Choir Sunday uniform at Amoranto Stadium, Nov. 2011. Sister Jocelyn “Jo” Pena was in and out of the hospital because of bronchial asthma. Soon, this had affected her...

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