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Wrap up year 2012 _Teko kotak 17 Dec 2012 | 05:46 pm

Salam bulan Disember yang indah...indah sebab masih lagi dalam suasana cuti bergaji..hihi..bestkan duduk saja dan gaji masyukk..yg tak best Disember diikuti dengan Januari yg pasti amat sibuk dan memb...

Bertemu kembali 11 Nov 2012 | 01:25 pm

Lama tak post apa2...nantilah insyallah masa cuti sekolah nanti, godek2 balik blog..sekolah lain dah cuti, sekolah akak biasalah ada seminggu lagi, itupun dipenuhi dgn aktiviti >>>kursus perkembangan ...

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Kadehin İçine Kadın Yerleştirme 29 Apr 2012 | 07:52 am

Bu dersimizde kadehin içine bir kadın yerleştireceğiz… Çalışmamızın Son Hali ; Öncelikle çalışma yapmaya uygun iki resim seçilir. Bunun için arka planı temizlenmiş bir kadın resmi ve bir kadeh resmi...

Secret Traffic Machine Review (Matt Bacak) 17 Dec 2011 | 12:43 pm

Secret Traffic Machine Review Download Secret Traffic Machine here Matt Bacak just kicked off his launch of Secret Traffic Machine 2.0 and many asked me what it’s all about so I am making a quick po...

Secret Money Ring 15 Jun 2010 | 04:27 am

All right, here’s the score; Matt Bacak as an affiliate marketing master. He’s not called the “Powerful Promoter” for nothing; he’s been able to crush it time and time again with his high-powered mar...

Diet Karbohidrat Untuk Nurunin Berat Badan 10 Mar 2012 | 04:54 pm

Gw relatif gak bermasalah dengan berat badan. BMI gw hampir selalu berada di level normal. Dulu banget, pas masih kuliah, malah selalu di bawah normal. Sekarang, palingan kalo abis dinas ke daerah kad...

jónsi scores new cameron crowe film 2 Aug 2011 | 07:19 am

jónsi will be providing the music for the upcoming cameron crowe film, we bought a zoo, starring matt damon and scarlett johansson. crowe describes the movie as a music-filled experience, about a man ...


Kansas City Chiefs will be starting Brodie Croyle for injured starter Matt Cassel this Sunday vs. the Chargers.   You may remember when America was introduced – up-close and personal — to Brodie and h...

WordPress 3.1 “Reinhardt” Telah Dirilis 9 Mar 2011 | 11:00 am

Tanggal 23 Pebruari 2011 tempo hari, WordPress kembali merilis versi terbarunya. WordPress 3.1 “Reinhardt”. Yang merupakan Major release ke-14. Menurut Matt Mullenweg, di official WordPress Blog, nam...

Drupal and WordPress founders interviewed together 2 Nov 2011 | 12:49 am

A bit of a landmark co-interview with opensource CMS luminaries Matt Mullenweg (founder of WordPress) and Dries Buytaert (founder of Drupal) at SchipulCon 2011 in Houston, Texas. Bear with the initial...

Doğal zayıflama ürünlerinde yasaklı maddeler de var 28 May 2011 | 11:39 pm

Fazla kilolar, birçok insanın özellikle de kadınların çözüm aradığı sorunlardan biridir. Zayıf bir görünüme sahip olabilmek için de her yönteme başvurulur.

IDs for cupcakes: College Republicans peddle baked goods to support voter ID bill 23 Feb 2012 | 07:09 am

Secretary of State Matt Schultz said the bill that would allow those without identification other options.

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