Most leipzig semantic web day related news are at: – AKSW Blog | Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web

AKSW wins I-Semantics’ I-CHALLENGE 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 07:53 pm

We are very happy to announce that AKSW researchers won this year’s I-CHALLENGE with the paper “Linked Cancer Genome Atlas Database”, which was written by Muhammad Saleem, Shanmukha Sampath Padmanabhu...

OntoWiki Feature of the Week: Enhanced Model Creation 20 Aug 2013 | 03:13 pm

Dear OntoWiki Users, This weeks feature hooks into the knowledge base/model creation and add data process. You can create a new knowledge base from the “Knowledge Bases” module’s menu with “Edit > C...

More leipzig semantic web day related news:

Der Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) 20 Jun 2013 | 06:49 pm

Der Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) bietet seit 2009 Unternehmen und Organisationen die Möglichkeit, sich zu Themen im Bereich semantischer Technologien auszutauschen. In den letzten Jahren wurden S...

The Open Graph protocol and Drupal 27 May 2010 | 09:44 am

A couple of days after Dries Buytaert gave his keynote at DrupalCon San Francisco and reaffirmed his support for the Semantic Web in Drupal, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg announced at the f8 dev...

How to Add Rich Contact Information in WordPress 23 Mar 2013 | 11:17 pm

Web search engines like Google or Bing are trying to pull more and more semantic from the content of the websites they index every day. Specific markups like microdata and microformats have been creat...

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