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LMFAO Concert in Manila, Philippines (Ticket Prices) on April 11, 2012 | Any Free Tickets? 6 Mar 2012 | 04:13 pm
I don't know much about these artist but it is reported that they will be having their first concert here in Manila, Philippines. The concert of the american electro pop duo LMFAO will be held on Apri...
Escape Google Panda Updates – 5 Tips To Survive The Panda Update 26 Mar 2012 | 06:17 pm
The 3.2 Panda update, they say, has ‘minor changes’ and nothing algorithmic about it. But here’s the catch: no matter how big or how small the change is, there are bound to be shuffles. Some of the we...
LogYourRun for iPhone Version 3.3.1 Approved 23 Apr 2011 | 07:26 am
This new version fixes the Facebook posting and adds the ability to shuffle songs if music is selected within the application. Thanks for your patience while I worked to get this fixed!
[DevBlog] Drone Regions 11 Apr 2012 | 03:41 am
Just a quick note: As mentioned in the DevBlog “Carebearing 2.0” the drone regions will have their security status/distribution shuffled. Additionally the drones are getting bounties instead of minera...
Todavía estás a tiempo de ganar un MacBook Air con Piensa Solutions 21 Jan 2011 | 07:00 pm
Piensa Solutions reparte un MacBook Air, tres iPod nano, tres consolas Xbox 360 y tres iPod shuffle entre sus clientes 21 de enero de 2011. Piensa Solutions (, empresa español...
Kan, Ter ve Gözyaşları 19 Apr 2012 | 07:23 am
Çok uzun zamandır hiç dinlemediğim bir parçaydı.. Geçenlerde shuffle modunda müzik dinlerken pc de denk geldi ve ne hikmetse artık her gün mutlaka 1 kez dinler hale geldim.. Sözleri çok şahane, bayağı...
Kan, Ter ve Gözyaşı.. 18 Apr 2012 | 09:45 pm
Çok uzun zamandır hiç dinlemediğim bir parçaydı.. Geçenlerde shuffle modunda müzik dinlerken pc de denk geldi ve ne hikmetse artık her gün mutlaka 1 kez dinler hale geldim.. Sözleri çok şahane, bayağı...
Deed of Settlement Ends Ho Family Feud 11 Mar 2011 | 09:24 am
Or does it? The recent shuffling of of ownership among the billionaire tycoon’s various family members was at the root of the conflict, and the deed — finalized and executed on March 8 — merely states...
Song Of The Day- LMFAO Party Rock 17 May 2011 | 12:00 pm
{video vimeo,19161041,395,222,,,,show_title=0&show_byline=0} Song Of The Day - LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem Party Rock Anthem" is a song performed by American electro hop recording duo LMFAO, it featur...
The Playlistify ComeBackContest - win your playlist* on an iPod 20 Jan 2011 | 11:59 pm
To celebrate Playlistify being back online we are throwing a cool Comeback Contest to thank you for your everlasting support and belief in us :D In this contest you can win an iPod shuffle with your p...