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kythera spring summer winter and fall 6 Sep 2012 | 07:52 pm

Δυο κενές θέσεις εργασίας στο λιμανάκι του Αυλαίμονα. 1200 ευρώ μισθό δίνανε πέρσυ τουλάχιστον. Έλληνας δεν ενδιαφέρθηκε. Αναμφισβήτητα σκληρή δουλιά, αλλά δουλιά! Το καλοκαίρι πηγαίνουμε σχεδόν καθημ...

streetlife 30 Aug 2012 | 10:40 pm

yo! alegria! μερικοί παχύναμε πολύ στις διακοπές.παίρνω λοιπόν τους δρόμους μπας και κάψω καμιά θερμίδα όσο είναι φρέσκια. έτσι λένε επιστρέφω στα σπλάχνα της αγαπημένης μου -αν μπορώ κάνω κι αλλοιώς-...

More local natives related news:

We Are The Tourists In The Cafe 3 Nov 2009 | 01:44 pm

Liam Haynes interviewed Local Natives. Their album, Gorilla Manor was released on 2/11/09. How do you feel your performance at SXSW this year helped you? What are the negatives? Because we played nin...

Interior PVC loop manifold 27 Apr 2012 | 07:58 am

This installation is on the Ft. Peck reservation in Montana and was completed by a newly trained team of local Native Americans.  Tribal lands are becoming a growing part of the geothermal industry an...

Local Natives Monkey Around 13 Apr 2010 | 03:55 am

Last month Jaz hooked up with LA band Local Natives for some hummus and banter. Bearing in mind the guys had been on the road for about 4 months in total it was at times quite an odd conversation but ...

Top 10 November 2010 7 Dec 2010 | 12:02 pm

De laatste top 10 van dit jaar. 1  Doncamatic – Gorillaz feat. Daley 2  World news – Local natives 3  Excibit C – Jay Electronica 4  Freak – Smashing pumpkins 5  Commotion – The hundreds in the h...

CLASSIC EPISODES: My Indie Life: Ep 36: Local Natives, Angus and Julia Stone 11 Dec 2011 | 10:11 pm

My Indie Life: Ep 36: Local Natives, Angus and Julia Stone This week, Lexi and Robby talk about two groups whose new albums and live shows are not to be missed.Local Natives:, you...

North wales police officers 15 Feb 2011 | 04:13 pm

The same commenter statedthat the local Native Corporation 60522 given a right of first refusal for... The percentileexceedence thresholds for each calendar day are determinedwith respect to. ・・・

Kings Canyon, California 17 Aug 2012 | 02:44 am

   t is often necessary to leave behind what you know, even if for a moment, for a journey into the unknown. For three days we went from local natives to complete strangers, as we ventured several hun...

"Making A Difference"#story #AuthorUnkown 28 Jan 2013 | 02:01 am

My friend was walking down a deserted Mexican beach at sunset. As he walked along, he began to see another man in the distance. As he grew nearer, he noticed that the local native kept leaning down, p...

Playlist de la semaine : Jean-Louis Murat, Veronica Falls, Pulp... 28 Jan 2013 | 11:06 pm

Au programme cette semaine, toujours des styles variés, de Black Angels aux Local Natives, en passant par Jean-Louis Murat, Pulp, Veronica Falls, Mogwai et l'incontournable single de The Strokes (un b...

Local Natives - Hummingbird 29 Jan 2013 | 07:31 pm

Ascension Gorilla Manor, premier album de Local Natives, on aurait pas parié grand chose sur le futur de cette formation folk-rock, sorte de mix scolaire des Fleet Foxes et Grizzly Bear. Aucune tensio...

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