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高不動產稅率不會影響產出誘因? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:52 am

中研院經濟研究所副研究員莊委桐的高論: 一個簡單的基本原則是,對於自住型的住宅,政府可以不予變動稅率:但是對於持有自住目的以外的房屋者,便可考慮採取累進稅率:擁有房屋愈多,則稅率愈高。但執行時如何採取漸進或階段式作法以降低經濟體系的衝擊,都有賴各界進一步地集思廣益。 在政府所有的課稅項目中,提高房產稅只會降低民眾持有房地產的需求。它既不像所得稅會減少工作誘因,也不像證所稅會影響新創事業的投資誘因和...

種族主義乎? 26 Aug 2013 | 02:27 pm

像這種討論種族主義的文章,本身就充滿偏見與歧視。 文章中舉美國前陣子發生的「Trayvon Martin遭槍殺」一案,直接認定:a. Martin因為是黑人所以被懷疑且射殺;b.陪審團都是種族主義者。 2012年2月,美國佛羅里達州有個17歲的黑人孩子Trayvon Martin,穿著一件戴帽T(hoodie),跟父親到一個有保全管理的社區去找朋友。嘴饞的他繞去超商買果汁糖,遇到了George Z...

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Infra-estrutura (FreeBSD) Unix no (Mac) OS X 7 Mar 2012 | 01:06 am

No dia 01/03 o Renato ( me convidou pra escrever um pouco da relação Unix-BSD-OSX, pra série de artigos de segurança sendo divulgados pela IDS Tecnologia (http://www.ids...

Curso de Shell Script: Módulo #0 – Comandos Básicos do Linux 7 May 2011 | 03:07 am

Comandos básicos em sistemas Linux e Unix-Like, como BSD e Mac

FileZilla FTP Client 3.3 (Portable) 28 Jan 2011 | 04:20 am

FileZilla 3 is the next generation (S)FTP-client from the FileZilla project. It is platform independent and supports operating systems like Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. Easy to use...

Free Accounting GnuCash 7 Jun 2011 | 10:53 am

GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Designed to be easy t...

Software de Gestão Financeira - GNUCash 23 Jan 2011 | 07:02 pm

O GNUCash é um software de gestão financeira empresarial e pessoal gratuito (open source), disponível em português e roda em plataformas Windows, Linux, Mac OS, BSD e Solaris. Com uma interface amigá...

Apple's Jordan Hubbard Joins iXsystems 26 Jun 2013 | 04:07 am

At Apple, Hubbard led the development of many BSD and Unix technologies at the core of Mac OS X® and iOS over the last 12 years. His primary areas of focus were on modernizing the Unix platform, creat...

Re: Sound on MAC 27 Jul 2013 | 11:52 pm

I can't think of anything in the mod that would cause this behavior. Macs use a BSD kernel and GNU system utilities, so my first suspect would be improper file permissions on the downloaded files, or...

Free Mac FTP Server 1 Aug 2013 | 09:11 pm

PureFTPd is a very nice replacement for the somewhat limited FTP server for Mac that comes with OSX. It is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server. It focuses on ef...

ОС Linux, Mac OS, *nix >> Общие вопросы по BSD 3 Aug 2013 | 05:13 pm

ОС Linux, Mac OS, *nix Общие вопросы по BSD Релиз дистрибутива для создания сетевых хранилищ FreeNAS 9.1 03.08.2013 10:48 Представлен стабильный релиз FreeNAS 9.1, дистрибутива для быстрого развёрты...

Como instalar Windows despues de Linux 5 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am

Como instalar Windows teniendo Linux instalado A mi no me gusta ser fan de una cosa en especial,uso solftware libre y me gusta mucho,pero también uso Windows y Mac y BSD,y por eso no voy a dejar de u...

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