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マルチドメイン無制限のレンタルサーバー料金・HD容量を比較 26 Jul 2013 | 03:33 am
複数のドメインを1つのレンタルサーバーで運営することをマルチドメインと言いますが、最近では登録できるドメイン数に限りがない無制限のマルチドメインレンタルサーバーも増えてきました。 そこで、マルチドメイン無制限のレンタルサーバーの金額・HD容量を比較してみたいと思います! レンタルサーバー市場はすでに成熟市場となり、価格競争が起こり、2000年代前半を比較するとだいぶ安くなりましたね。 月額料...
宇宙物理学者・松田卓也さんが語る「2045年問題」〜未来を予測する本・漫画・映画を紹介 4 May 2013 | 03:50 pm
前に録画しておいたBS日テレの「加藤浩次の本気対談!コージ魂!!」を今日見たのですが、すごく面白かったです! ゲストは宇宙物理学者の松田卓也さん。なんと70歳!でも、70歳に思えないくらい元気というか、よく喋ります^^ ...
More mac text editor php related news:
Textmate Cheat Sheet 4 Nov 2010 | 10:51 am
If you're looking for a comprehensive cheat sheet for TextMate (the popular Mac text editor) that is not language specific, then check out this one from Link is to PDF [link]
Textmate Cheat Sheet 4 Nov 2010 | 06:51 am
If you're looking for a comprehensive cheat sheet for TextMate (the popular Mac text editor) that is not language specific, then check out this one from Link is to PDF [link]
Programming Your First PHP Script 11 Jun 2013 | 07:08 am
In this video you will learn: What tools you need to work with PHP. How-To Create a PHP file using a plain text editor. PHP Programming Standards Here’s video #3 in my PHP Programming Language For N...
Installing Eclipse in Linux with PHP and Perl Support 16 Sep 2011 | 02:55 am
In Linux people use vim, vi, gedit and Eclipse as the Text Editor or IDE. Previously I had posted, how to install Sublime text editor in Linux, today I will post about installing Eclipse Indigo in Fed...
Geany Is Lightweight IDE With Built-in Compiler, Now For Windows 20 Feb 2012 | 07:20 pm
Geany, being a lightweight text editor, certainly ... Geany Is Lightweight IDE With Built-in Compiler, Now ... language code of Java, C, PHP, HTML, Python, Pascal, …
Free : Software : TextWrangler 3.5.3 14 Feb 2012 | 05:54 am
TextWrangler is a…General Purpose Text Editor Programmer’s Text Editor Unix And Server Administrator’s Tool Powerful Text Transformer And Manipulator Good Mac OS Citizen Powerfully Useful... [[ This ...
Bluefish (text editor) on Ubuntu 9 Dec 2010 | 04:13 am
Bluefish is a web development editor focused towards the development of dynamic websites. Bluefish supports development in (among others) HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, PHP, C, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Perl, Co...
Swiss Arrows, controls the position and size of the windows of your applications 6 May 2012 | 06:04 pm
When we face our Mac do not usually have only one open application. Usually by the window of your browser and other applications with us could be a text editor, the application of Twitter, instant mes...
Textwrangler Connection unexpectedly lost error - Solution 1 Jul 2012 | 04:30 pm
When I was using TextWrangler text editor for MAC to connect to a remote Linux system to edit some text files there, once I got an error like the one shown below "The server operation couldn't be com...
How to retrieve the database settings of an existing Joomla website 1 Mar 2010 | 04:21 am
In case you’ve lost the db settings of your Joomla website you can easily retrieve them from the Joomla configuration file. Here is how to do it. Edit the file ‘configuration.php’ in any text editor....