Most making armed concrete foundation- related news are at: – Beodom | Mi radimo drugačije

Instalacija sistema podnog grejanja i hlađenja 5 Dec 2010 | 02:38 pm

Sistem grejanja i hlađenja je ključna komponenta svake zgrade u obezbeđivanju komfora tokom cele godine. Sistemi grejanja su formirani od 3 komponente : izvora energije, proizvodnje toplote i distribu...

Izrada termo-fasade na Klimabloc-u sa perlitom i Ceresit malterom 10 Aug 2010 | 07:05 pm

Klimabloc 38, koji koristimo za spoljašnje zidove, ima odlične termo-izolacione karakteristike. Međutim moguće ih je dalje poboljšati sa dodatnih 4cm termo-maltera na spoljašnjoj strani zidova. To smo...

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Re: room within a room at roof framing 23 Aug 2013 | 07:14 pm

+1 to Randy's post - although you don't really need to make the mass equal.. i.e.; If your exterior partition is a concrete foundation pour... well, you get my point. The mass of the partitions determ...

Operation Tirana 11 Jan 2011 | 07:28 am

Armed with brushes, cans and markers, art is the language that spawns dialogue and understanding, builds a foundation for the future and puts a smile on our faces as we see a new world in the making. ...

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