Most metro ui related news are at:

IDC:2013 Q2,全球 Wi-Fi 市场增长快速 27 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
用于消费者和企业用户的 Wi-Fi 设施的市场份额和去年同期相比,增加了 10.8%。来自 IDC 的报告还显示,用于企业的 Wi-Fi 设备增长更明显,市场份额为 14.8%。 企业 IT 用户的 Wi-Fi 设施呈现爆炸性增长,开始有更多的设备在运行移动应用,这些造就了不少投资 Wi-Fi 设施的新项目。IDC 网络设施高级副总裁 Rohit Mehra 很看好企业 Wi-Fi 设施的发展,...
香槟金 iPhone 5S 后壳视频曝光 27 Aug 2013 | 02:45 pm
对于传闻中的 9 月 10 日苹果新品发布会,多彩 iPhone 5C 及香槟金 iPhone 5S 会是吸引眼球的两点。iPhone 5C 后壳上手视频昨天已经曝光,而今天关于香槟金 iPhone 5S 的视频也见诸网络。 (youku) 视频里出现了香槟金 iPhone 5S 后壳、蓝色 iPhone 5C 后壳,剩下的则是 iPhone 5。可见 iPhone 5S 同 iPhone 5 ...
More metro ui related news:
It’s Official: Windows 8 Logo Revealed 18 Feb 2012 | 07:48 am
Microsoft has revealed the new logo of it’s upcoming operating system, Windows 8. The new logo is crisp, flat and symbolizes the Metro UI. The software giant also stated that the new logo is both mod...
Windows Phone 7-style music player for Android arrives from the developer of LauncherPro 26 May 2011 | 04:43 pm
Any Android fans that envied Windows Phone 7's Metro UI style can have it for their media player (the WP7 launcher has been emulated before, try Launcher 7 in the Market), thanks to this app released ...
Metro UI 不是一套Skin 25 Oct 2011 | 06:16 am
最近開始有一些軟體開發商,找我詢問Windows 8下該如何做介面設計。他們對於Metro UI的認知不盡相同,但共同點是,對於微軟這一套新的介面,既期待,又怕受傷害。 我最常聽到的問題是:「Metro UI是不是要把Icon全都改成單色,然後放在方格子裡?」「那個新的字型叫什麼名字?是不是把我們的軟體改成那個字型,然後把字體放大一些,這樣就會比較像Metro UI?」這些問題好笑歸好笑,但我相...
How To Get A Metro-Style Start Menu And Start Button In Windows 8 16 Apr 2012 | 09:34 pm
Right since Windows 8 customer’s preview was released, a wave of disappointment has been felt by several Windows fans with regards to the Metro UI. Actually, this disappointment is not for the Metro U...
Sample Metro On Your Windows PC Before Upgrading To Windows 8 4 Feb 2012 | 08:14 pm
Microsoft is delivering a whole new feel to their operating system with Windows 8 in the shape of the Metro UI. Tile-based, with an elegant typeface, the very future of Windows could ride on the... [...
Flash Support Likely in Windows 8 27 May 2012 | 07:04 pm
About eight months back, when Microsoft introduced its Windows 8 Metro UI, it was almost clear that the company’s Metro version of Internet Explorer will not support Adobe Flash or any third party plu...
Windows 8 shortcuts How to use Windows 8 and Windows 8 product key 22 Mar 2012 | 12:39 am
Windows 8 took attraction with its new Metro ui. Windows 8 shortcuts are now must since it works different than previous versions. In addition to this, you might need a Windows 8 product key while you...
A bad picture is worth a thousand long discussions. (via Doug Seven) 20 Sep 2011 | 07:08 pm
I agree with Doug that boxes can never represent architecture or information flow although its still necessary for a big picture. This big picture is important for developers for the METRO UI While h...
New Windows Phone Site: I Heart WP 29 Dec 2011 | 08:28 pm
Inspired by the sexy simplicity of the phones Metro UI a new site I heart WP has launched as the source for all Windows Phone related news, app and game reviews. Check out I Heart WP Here
Mosaic Desktop で Windows8 の Metro UI を体験してみる 9 Sep 2011 | 12:22 pm
こんにちは! 相変わらず不定期更新Blogですが、面白そうなものがあったので体験&紹介です。 新しい物好きなひとはご存じと思いますが、Windows8には、Metro UI なるUIが搭載されるとのことです。 これ、なかなか評判良さそうでそうでなかったりもするのですが、じっさいに、それっぽいもの?を体験するソフトがありました。 Mosaic Desktop このスクリーンショットは、僕の...