Most mmo champion related news are at:

WoW's 8th Anniversary, Pilgrim's Bounty, Ion Hazzikostas Interview, BWC Recaps 19 Nov 2012 | 03:41 am
Witch Doctor 1.0.5 Updated Guide, Fan Creation of the Week: Making of "The Demon Hunter", Blizzard News WoW's 8th Anniversary WoW's 8th Anniversary event is also now live, so be sure to check your ma...
Loss of Control Alerts, Popular Glyphs, Blue Posts, Blue Tweets, Blizzard News 17 Nov 2012 | 03:10 pm
Uber Bosses Speed Kill Video, Blue Posts, Bonus Blizzard Comic Contest Entry, Black Ops 2 Outsells Harry Potter and Star Wars Patch 5.1 - Loss of Control Alerts Patch 5.1 adds alerts when you lose c...
More mmo champion related news:
Where Lath Became One of Those Players…. 26 Sep 2011 | 06:18 pm
Throne of the Four Winds (Picture by MMO Champion) I hopped onto WoW last Friday night expecting to do some BC raids in preparation of the next patch and transmogrification. Instead I found myself h...
JC and the Shuffle is Dead- Sell Your Gems ! 8 Apr 2011 | 10:53 am
This has just appeared on MMO champion datamined from the PTR - Its time to sell your uncut gems ! MMO Champion – Patch 4.1 – PTR Build 13850 Jewelcrafting Bold Carnelian, Solid Zephyrite, Subtle...
MoP – Die neuen Rohstoffe (inkl. deutsche Übersetzungen) 23 Mar 2012 | 08:31 pm
Pandaria gibt seine neuen Rohstoffe preis. Die Beta von Mists of Pandaria ist gestartet und das Data Mining läuft auf Hochtouren. Bei MMO-Champion und WoWHead findet man bereits die ersten Resultate ...
Tier 12 Guerrero ¿Falta de creatividad o mal gusto? 7 May 2011 | 04:02 am
¿Qué ha pasado con la creatividad? Esa es la primera pregunta que me hice cuando vi la primera imagen del Tier 12 de Guerrero en Es obvio que el equipo de creativos encargados del di...
Heart of the Aspects -- Pet Store Exclusive 15 Feb 2012 | 02:09 pm
mmo champion postedTake to the skies with the luminous dragon known as the Heart of the Aspects. Born of the radiant energies of the Dragon Soul...
Mists of Pandaria Press Tour 20 Mar 2012 | 12:12 am
Mists of Pandaria Press Tour MMO-Champion
C01: An Early Look at Cataclysm’s Protection Spec 1 Jul 2010 | 07:05 pm
Clearly things are going to change as Cataclysm’s Beta progresses, but for the time being, it’s fun to follow along and take our best guesses at what we’ll be playing with in the future. MMO-Champion...
Quelques infos sur le Yak, l’araignée d’eau et la tortue-dragon 27 May 2012 | 02:53 am
MMO Champion vient de publier des infos sur 3 montures de Mist of Pandaria. Le grand Yak d'expédition Il sera venu au prix de 60000 po au "Grummle Bazaar", un village situé près du sommet "Kun-Lai"....
Cataclysm beta to begin in April? 31 Mar 2010 | 01:07 am reports: Cataclysm Testing Will Start in April Many people wonder when will the beta of Cataclysm will start, it’s time to (try to) answer that question! As far as I know, the Beta...
Le Coeur de l’aile-de-nuit, nouvelle monture de parrainage 12 Jul 2012 | 09:15 pm
D'après MMO Champion, des joueurs ont reçus des mails de Blizzard les informant que le programme de parrainage actuel prendra fin le 16 juillet. Ceuix qui ont une monture en attente doivent la réclame...