Most moon rising related news are at:

Page 16 20 Aug 2013 | 06:55 am
Awkward. — Slightly late with today’s update, but only because I was so busy… well, drawing the update, so I hope you can all forgive me. I’m pretty happy with this page, which isn’t something I oft...
Page 15 12 Aug 2013 | 08:36 pm
Playing it cool. — Still faffing about with the art a bit. I feel like the previous page was a bit over sharpened, so I tried to soften this one up a bit. After all, they’re in a lovely sunny garden...
More moon rising related news:
02×03 Bad Moon Rising 5 Dec 2010 | 11:53 pm
Battle - Eternal Darkness and Moon Rises (Col / 1992) 4 Oct 2011 | 06:55 am
Band: Battle Album: Eternal Darkness and Moon Rises Genre: Black Metal Country: Bogota / Colombia Year: 1992 Saludos a todos los visitantes de KMC, Lamento no poder subir nada en Septiembre pero ...
Song Lambung Beach Hut 11 Apr 2012 | 09:21 pm
Song Lambung Beach Hut is the highest point on the property and has a beautiful ocean view of Lembongan Island. The morning views are spectacular, and some nights you can even watch the moon rise! Th...
Wolf Moon Rising 14 Jan 2009 | 04:59 am
A full wolf moon rose over Park City the other day. Known as the Full Wolf Moon by native Americans (likely) because of the sound of hungry wolves howling in the distance, this full moon was a bit ext...
Where’s the ‘elf been? 28 Jul 2011 | 06:40 am
This has been a tremendously busy time of year for my businesses — largely unexpected. I have been over at Blog Moon Rising throwing out a post or two here and there. The ‘elf needs to evolve to suit...
Bad Moon Rising 1 Nov 2009 | 12:39 am
Hauskaa Halloweenia, se tuli tänäkin vuonna pyytämättä ja yllättäen! Pyhäinpäivää vietetään täällä. Tylypahkan bileistä puhutaan joskus. I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see eart...
Composition No. 1 10 Feb 2012 | 05:19 pm
TLS 5659 – 31 “Composition No.1” Nine o’clock on a winter night. The shadow of a picket fence draws stave lines for inaudible music across the snow. A full moon rising through the trees the shatterin...
Naxxo - canta “ Bad moon rising” en Gala 4 - Operacion Triunfo España 2011 15 Feb 2011 | 03:17 pm
Aquí les dejamos la participación de Naxxo interpretando “ Bad moon rising” en Operacion en la Gala 4 Triunfo España 2011.
Pumpkin Moon Rising [Dark Age of Camelot] 19 Oct 2011 | 05:35 am
The pumpkin moon has appeared in the realms once again, which can only mean one thing, the Halloween festivities are back! October is here once again, and that means haunted cities, costumes, candy f...
Before the moon rises 16 May 2008 | 08:11 am
David Nielsen, before you get all excited, you might want to read this. "It's true that, under the terms of our agreements with Microsoft, only SUSE Linux Enterprise will be able to bundle Moonlight ...