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MSI O35 Neo2-FR 31 Jan 2011 | 03:05 am
P35 Neo2-FR is a variant of the output MSI motherboard that uses Intel's P35 chipset. When compared, the most obvious physical difference with the MSI motherboard IP35 that has a chipset other is a fo...
Computer Turns Off During Use, Memory Gets Warm. 26 Aug 2013 | 08:03 pm
I just put in a new MSI motherboard that came with 2 Kingston DDR2 512MB sticks. Also, a new Pentium 4 processor clocked at 3.00GHz. All that's in in terms of drives is a 320GB WD Caviar Blue, althoug...
从官方在Win上安装PHP 5.3+和APACHE2.2X测试环境 15 Dec 2011 | 03:46 am
虽然网上有很多一键安装包,但是如同PHP官方警告的,从官方下载单独安装包才是最好的选择。 安装Apache: 选择最新的安装包: Win32 Binary including OpenSSL 0.9.8r (MSI Installer): httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8r.m...
Brand New MSI R6950 2GB Twin Frozr II (Sydney $330.00) 18 Jan 2011 | 12:24 pm
comment OC i7 2600k avec P8Z68-V PRO ( Résolu ) 24 Jun 2011 | 06:53 am
Bonjour tout le monde . :) tout est dit dans le titre . ma conf Alim corsair 750 W CG MSI 580 GTX OC CM P8Z68-V PRO Memoire DDR 3 Proco i7 2600k Merci pour vos réponses s...
aide pour oc mon i5 2500 k 29 Apr 2011 | 06:45 am
ma config asus p8p67 le i5 2500k corsaire vengeance 2x2 go msi gtx 560 ti ssd ocz vertex 2 120 go prolimatech megahalems xigmatech xlf je voudrais savoir svp comment oc mon processeur.merci po...
شركة MSI تكشفان عن الحاسبان المحمولان GX640 و GX740 من فئة الألعاب 19 Feb 2010 | 08:09 pm
أعلنت شركة MSI عن أنصمام حاسبات محمولان لعائلة GX وهذه الفئه معروفة بفئة الألعاب .الحاسب المحمول GX640 بشاشة طولها 15 أنش والحاسب المحمول GX740 بشاشة طولها 17 أنش وموعد الأصدار سيكون في شهر مارس وأ...
The Zalman Odyssey 17 Sep 2011 | 08:20 am
This is a brief documentation of the installation of a Zalman CNP9500 AT CPU Cooler into my new computer. The motherboard is an ASUS P8P67-M PRO which is Intel socket LGA 1155. First you can see that...
Lancool’s New PC-K56N Dragon Lord Mid-Tower 17 Feb 2012 | 01:13 am
Lancool has added a new mid-tower PC case to their Dragon Lord Series – the PC-K56N. It is designed to fit ATX, Micro-ATX, and Mini-ITX motherboards and boasts a number of tool-less features to make ...
MSI Wind 2723 Desktop-PC 28 Aug 2009 | 04:17 am
Der MSI Wind 2723 ist optimal als Einstiegs-, Zweit- oder Arbeitsplatzrechner geeignet. Mit dem Wind PC vereint MSI alle Vorteile eines Desktop-Rechners in einer 4,7 Liter kleinen und schicken Desktop...