Most mum on homework twitter related news are at:

The perils of tearjerking TV 4 Mar 2013 | 08:17 pm
I used to be quite heartless. Before giving birth gave me a core of mush in more ways than one, I would scoff when my mother burst into tears over some heart rending tale of child abduction or a the ...
Child of our time 28 Feb 2013 | 04:33 am
Just watched Child of our Time which has always offered me a little glimpse into my future as the children are just three years older than my eldest boy. Tonight's episode was particularly poignant as...
More mum on homework twitter related news:
Phrases from Filipe - a Compilation 12 Jul 2011 | 11:56 pm
Who follows me on Twitter know that every once in a while I post a few phrases from Filipe. Here's a compilation of them for your enjoyment... Mum, why does the water from the waterfalls fall? Mum, ...
Back to work day for homeworkers 5 Jan 2012 | 02:50 am
Tree shredded. Cards recycled. Kids back to school. Partner back to office. Heating off. Jumpers on. Glasses on. Computer on. Wash on. Coffee drunk. Twitter checked. Facebook checked. Emails checked, ...
Facebook Page 25 Mar 2010 | 09:05 am
Have made a facebook page as it may be easier to update etc and add comments Also a West of Scotland Business Twitter page as liste...
India’s got Talent 22 Jun 2010 | 04:06 pm
If you follow me on Twitter or are connected with me on Facebook, you have no doubt been subjected to repeated plugs for this article of mine that appeared as “Mum, I Shrunk The Workplace” on Outlook....
Paldies mūsu Twitter sekotājiem! 28 Oct 2010 | 10:58 pm
Ja Tu vēl neseko mums – pievienojies!
Facebook BOREDOM? Here’s how to give Facebook a kick in the groin 19 Jan 2010 | 09:16 am
Are your patients BORED by Facebook? Facebook can REALLY suck especially when you’re sending out Facebook (or Twitter) posts and it seems the only person reading them is your mum. Here’s a chiropract...
Phrases from Filipe - a Compilation 12 Jul 2011 | 07:56 pm
Who follows me on Twitter know that every once in a while I post a few phrases from Filipe. Here's a compilation of them for your enjoyment... Mum, why does the water from the waterfalls fall? Mum, ...
Anyone coming to Twitter’s Funeral? 26 Jun 2012 | 07:52 pm
This article was written by Helen Neale, the owner of Kiddycharts, the make your own behaviour chart business. She writes regularly for Mums Business Club, and is a finalist in the MAD Parent Blogging...
India’s got Talent 22 Jun 2010 | 12:06 pm
If you follow me on Twitter or are connected with me on Facebook, you have no doubt been subjected to repeated plugs for this article of mine that appeared as “Mum, I Shrunk The Workplace” on Outlook....
Twittering Teeth 15 Apr 2013 | 04:40 pm
For anyone wondering if I've always been a tight bastard who uses too many brackets ( who me?) in his writing I submit the note below. Noticed it on my Mum and Dad's digital photo frame and thought it...