Most nautilus actions related news are at:

Posts in Sidebar 1.7 2 Jun 2013 | 10:41 am
A piccoli passi il plugin Posts in Sidebar sta crescendo e ieri ha raggiunto la versione 1.7 con alcune aggiunte che faranno piacere di certo a qualche utente. Ho visto infatti che c’è un base di uten...
Posts in Sidebar 1.7 2 Jun 2013 | 10:41 am
A piccoli passi il plugin Posts in Sidebar sta crescendo e ieri ha raggiunto la versione 1.7 con alcune aggiunte che faranno piacere di certo a qualche utente. Ho visto infatti che c’è un base di uten...
More nautilus actions related news:
Nautilus-Actions 3.2.2 is out! 8 Mar 2012 | 11:30 am
We are pleased, happy and proud to announce the latest stable release of Nautilus-Actions! What is it ? Nautilus-Actions is a Nautilus extension whose principal function is to allow the user to add ...
We need you ! 26 Oct 2009 | 05:24 am
Yes, you can help Nautilus-Actions. Since 2.30.0 version, Nautilus-Actions let the user freely choose to display or not the toolbars in the Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool. For now, NACT toolbar...
Nautilus-actions is back ! 25 Apr 2009 | 08:47 am
Hi everybody, I didn't want see nautilus-actions fall back in the obscurity. As many of you, I use this so practical extension on an every day basis, and I was upset to no more find any upgrade nor m...
Nautilus-actions: Future plans part II (conditions) 14 Sep 2006 | 02:55 am
Following my last blog post about the future plans for Nautilus actions, I would like to share with you once again some of my ideas about the next major 2.x version. This time, it is about the future...
Nautilus Actions : First Year Anniversary and Future ! 28 Aug 2006 | 07:08 pm
Exactly one year ago, the 28th of August 2005, I was releasing the first public release of Nautilus-actions, the V0.3, on this site. Since then, a lots of improvements has been done, mainly thanks to...
Would you like to see Nautilus-actions included in Gnome 2.18 ? 24 Aug 2006 | 08:31 pm
Yes, it would be great ! 94% (64 votes) No, there is no reason to do this. 1% (1 vote) Don't mind... 4% (3 votes) Total votes: 68
Nautilus-actions : Tango style icons ! 21 Apr 2006 | 07:51 pm
Recently, I was working on implementing the GnomeGoals#2.1 to make Nautilus-actions install theme-friendly icons. And a few days later, I was receiving a proposition from Ulisse Perusin, to replace m...
Nautilus Actions : Share your actions ! 29 Mar 2006 | 07:47 pm
Finally, I found the time to implement this long waiting feature. From now, you can publish on this site your favorites actions so that everybody can take advantage of it ! To do so, you have two pos...
Nautilus-actions : A series of examples of actions on Ubuntu forum 12 Jan 2006 | 08:53 pm
I've just found a Howto posted quite a long time ago by Killerkiwi on which proposed a lots of example of use of Nautilus-actions. Here is a non exhaustive list of actions proposed : ...
Ubuntu 13.04/Nautilus 3.6 Fix: Open Selected Folders in New Windows with Nautilus-Actions 30 Jun 2013 | 01:38 am
If you’ve upgraded to Ubuntu 13.04, you may have noticed that its file manager, Nautilus, has lost some of its functionality. One of the glaring omissions in the 3.6x versions (the current is 3.6.3) i...