Most oh so special sleek related news are at:

Orly Coachella Dweller and Boho Bonnet 29 May 2013 | 03:19 pm
It's been that time of year again, planting just doesn't sit well with polished nails, especially when they're as bendy as mine. Orly's Hope and Freedom Fest has me back in love with painting my nails...
Orly Coachella Dweller and Boho Bonnet 29 May 2013 | 03:19 pm
It's been that time of year again, planting just doesn't sit well with polished nails, especially when they're as bendy as mine. Orly's Hope and Freedom Fest has me back in love with painting my nails...
More oh so special sleek related news:
Compritas a ECO MAKE-UP Laura 16 Aug 2011 | 08:56 pm
Paleta de 10 colores (coloretes) Paleta 15 correctores. Paleta SLEEK oh so special.
MAGIC GIVEAWAY by Liana`s Boutique 24 Nov 2011 | 11:46 pm
Liana implineste 1 anisor la inceputul lui decembrie si organizeaza un super giveaway... daca vreti sa castigati SLEEK OH SO SPECIAL PALETTE intrati AICI si inscrieti-va!!!!
Paleta Sleek Makeup Oh So Special - Swatch 19 Feb 2012 | 12:11 am
• Design simplu si elegant, carcasa din plastic negru si mat; • 12 farduri de pleoape intr-o singura trusa; • In interior este prevazuta cu aplicator cu 2 capete din burete; • Selectie de pulberi moi ...
My new sleek goodie[s] 9 Mar 2012 | 10:43 am
Acum cateva zile, saptamani era o oferta pe Myashop la paletele Sleek: erau reduse la 30 de lei :D Am dat comanda, si totul a decurs perfect ! Sora mea si-a luat Oh, so special, eu PPQ, iar o prietena...
LOTD - OH So Special Reflects Antiqued Gold 15 Nov 2012 | 02:10 am
No fim de semana passado resolvi fazer uma make up cheia de reflexos. Já sabia que queria usar o pigmento Reflects Antiqued Gold da MAC, e como base fiz um smokey eyes em tons de castanho e preto, a e...
LOTN: Oh! So special 30 Mar 2013 | 05:31 pm
In urma cu aproximativ o saptamana, mi-am cumparat de la Cristina paleta Oh! So Special. O doream de foarte mult timp, dar mereu am amanat sa o cumpar din diverse motive. De data aceasta nu am mai...
Provocare machiaj-Oh So Special 9 May 2013 | 03:23 pm
Buna Fetelor! Astazi este timpul pentru o noua provocare intre bloggerite, de data aceasta a trebuit sa realizam un machiaj folosind doar paleta Sleek , Oh So Special. Mi-a placut foarte mult provoca...
Young sexy brunette Escort 14 May 2013 | 06:37 pm
London Escort Nikka with her natural looks and outstanding attributes is a young lady whose company is oh so special, bright and attractive to the eye this gorgeous creature and her uplifting personal...
Wishlist: Sleek Vintage Romance I-Divine Palette 8 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
Am nu una, nu două, ci trei palete Sleek: Oh So Special, Ultra Matte Darks și Respect, pe care, recunosc spășită, nu le folosesc la adevărata lor valoare. Ați putea spune că e de ajuns, am cu ce mă ma...
Let’s Divekick! 27 Aug 2013 | 08:57 pm
You’ve read the review, now experience the mayhem that is Divekick. This oh-so-special stupid idea that somehow became a full game suddenly makes the fighting scene accessible again without giving up ...