Most openstack related news are at: – vpsee | 虚拟化技术 云计算 Linux/Mac 性能优化 服务器架构 | VPS 服务 改版了! 10 Jul 2013 | 03:54 pm

四年都没有改版,不知道大家看这个博客有没有审美疲劳,反正俺是有点看不下去了,特别是现在看多了扁平化设计后再回头看有点 “不适”。现在不是扁平化(flat)都不敢拿出去 show,好吧,俺被感染了,上周末花了点时间重新设计了,加上一些陆陆续续的补补丁丁,改版已经基本完成。 根据 2013 Web Design Trends Infographic 的图示和理解,今年网站设计的趋...

使用 noVNC 开发 Web 虚拟机控制台 5 Jul 2013 | 04:55 pm

OpenNebula 的控制面板 Sunstone 对 OpenNebula 私有云的管理员来说很方便实用,不用敲命令,但是对云计算、虚拟机不熟悉的用户来说有点复杂。所以,我们打算开发一个内部使用的 OpenNebula 控制面板,并和我们的其他内部服务集成起来。从不同 VPS 服务商那里用过 VPS 的用户都知道 VPS 控制面板的几个基本功能,创建、删除、重装、控制台访问。其中控制台访问功能的...

More openstack related news:

Cloud Angle: Three Open Source-Based Cloud Alternatives to OpenStack 24 Apr 2012 | 07:00 pm

Maybe you’re waiting for OpenStack to mature. Maybe you’re testing OpenStack internally but want to see what else is out there. Or maybe you’re just curious. Regardless, now that we’ve taken a look at...

OpenStack, Quantum and Open vSwitch – Part II 2 Aug 2011 | 05:05 am

[This is the second post in a three part series to describe OpenStack, a new OpenStack-compatible networking service called Quantum, and the first Quantum plug-in which is based on Open vSwitch.] In ...

OpenStack , Quantum and Open vSwitch – Part I 26 Jul 2011 | 05:37 am

[This is the beginning of a three part post to describe OpenStack, a new OpenStack-compatible networking service called Quantum, and the first Quantum plug-in which is based on Open vSwitch.] We will...

Open vSwitch and OpenStack 15 Jul 2011 | 05:47 am

OpenStack is an open source, scalable, cloud infrastructure platform that has gained considerable industry momentum and interest (learn more here). A number of Open vSwitch developers and users have b...

Talk on Open vSwitch and OpenStack 15 Jul 2011 | 04:47 am

The following video is a talk given at the 2010 OpenStack design summit regarding networking issues in the cloud and how Open vSwitch can be used to address them. 12-Deploying OpenStack, Networking C...

Highlights from our OpenStack-specific blog 26 Oct 2011 | 05:28 am

A few highlights from our OpenStack blog: How our RHEL port is built and tested, using Gear + Mock Setting up VPN for projects with CloudPipe Using SSH keys with novaclient Improving novaclient CL...

Playing Around With Openstack’s Object Storage 22 Oct 2010 | 01:51 pm

Couple of weeks ago I found out about the Openstack project and I found it immediately to be very interesting. What I’ve been playing around with the most is the object storage part of Openstack calle...

And it shall be called openstack! 19 Jul 2010 | 05:28 pm

Almost a year ago I went back to work at Rackspace to help develop Rackspace's cloudfiles product. I haven't had the time to blog all that much since, but today's news is too exciting to not blog abou...

Ushering in the OpenStack Essex Release 7 Apr 2012 | 05:11 am

As some of you may have noticed, the OpenStack community published its latest six-month release, codenamed Essex, this week[1]. As shown in the release notes, there’s a massive amount of change that c...

OpenStack L.A. Meetup – The TryStack Slides 31 Mar 2012 | 05:15 am

Had a blast with the gang from Dreamhost last night at the inaugural OpenStack Meetup in Los Angeles. Thanks to all who attended and asked some great questions Here is a link to the presentation I ga...

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