Most opus dei daily reflection related news are at:

Prelate in Chile, Uruguay, Argentina 20 Aug 2013 | 11:25 am
Prelate in Chile, Uruguay, Argentina The Movistar Arena was jampacked, but this time not for a rock concert, but to listen to an 81-year-old Priest, Msgr. Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei. … En...
Prelate in South America; Pope asks for prayers for Peace 17 Aug 2013 | 07:07 am
Prelate in South America; Pope asks for prayers for Peace –o–o–o–o– Bishop-Prelate Javier Echevarría, at the Universidad de los Andes (CHILE), said: “Lord: May I know how to communicate you, may I l...
More opus dei daily reflection related news: 26 Jun 2012 | 05:46 pm
June 26 is the Feast Day of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei which means “the Work of God.” I was so thankful to this saint because I was inspired through his daily message. Happy Feas... 26 Jun 2012 | 05:46 pm
June 26 is the Feast Day of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei which means “the Work of God.” I was so thankful to this saint because I was inspired through his daily message. Happy Feas...