Most orthodox church honk kong related news are at:
On the Path of Saint Cosmas of Aitolia 26 Aug 2013 | 01:13 pm
The following speech was delivered at the presentation of the book by Maria Mamasoula titled The Paths of Saint Kosmas in Enslaved Romiosini in Agrinio. I congratulate Mrs. Maria Mamasoula and the pu...
August 23: The Holy Hieromartyr Irinaios, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons) 26 Aug 2013 | 12:39 pm
Our holy and God-bearing father Irinaios, who, by divine providence received the name of peace [ειρήνη (irini) in Greek] and became a messenger of the Holy Spirit, was born in Asia Minor in about 140....
More orthodox church honk kong related news:
bessie & kevin in Paris for their wedding 6 Jan 2013 | 09:40 pm
Bessie and Kevin came from Honk Kong for their wedding in private. We did a few photos in the beautiful Church to start their photoshoot in Paris. A session in 2 parts as usual to allow free time in t...