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Flex oder Siebdruck 14 May 2012 | 07:57 pm
Hallo, ich müßte 100 Shirts mit dem angehängten Motiv beschriften. Aber das ganze in Flex zu fertigen wär mit zu viel Arbeit. Kann man auch fertige Vorlagen zum selber Pressen mit Siebdruck fertigen?...
Jan 31, Drawing with confidence. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:30 am
Looking at how one holds a pencil may indicate how confident or otherwise, an artist is with their drawing equipment. As a professional T tutor, I watch
Jan 31, Drawing with confidence. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:25 am
Most artists tend to use HB pencils when they are drawing. However, this grade can cut into paper leaving permanent grooves.... I prefer to use a
Creative Pencil Sculptures 1 Aug 2010 | 01:23 am
Artists who create beautiful artworks using pencils can’t surprise us nowadays. But Dalton Ghetti found a way how to create miniature masterpieces using pencils. He simply carved the alphabet on the t...
2011 Eagle Jaguar E-Type Speedster 1 Jun 2011 | 06:29 am
2011 Eagle Jaguar New, the E type Speedster the designer Paul received out his pencil and sketched a shape. Rick loved it, and that was the commence of Eagle Speedster No.1. 2011 Eagle Jaguar E-Type ...
Men's Fashion 31 Dec 2009 | 08:54 am
Fashion For Men's: Men are now every where take interest in fashion . They wants to know about latest fashion tips about pants ,shirts, tie,and colour combitation. ours site provides you lot of infor...
ฟรีเท็มเพลตเสื้อ T-Shirt ไว้ใช้สำหรับงาน Screen Design 4 Oct 2011 | 02:44 pm
สวัสดีเพื่อน ๆ ก้าวเข้าสู่เดือนใหม่อีกแล้ว เวลามันช่างผ่านไปอย่างรวดเร็วจริง ๆ เดี๋ยวซักพักคงจะได้ฉลองปีใหม่กันอีกแน่เลยๆ เอาหละมาเข้าเรื่องกันซักหน่อย วันนี้อยากจะหาอะไรมาแจกซักหน่อย เลยไปเห็นอะไรให...
Follow Jareth and Sarah with these retro Labyrinth t-shirts 19 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
Hollywood seems to have run out of ideas, so in the spirit of being green (or lazy) they’re just recycling old ones. Whether it’s rebooting franchises, remaking retro TV shows into movies or turning b...
Look Mighty Fine in these designer Toy Story 3 t-shirts 16 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
This year seems to be dominated by tie-in products. Sex and the City 2 has had everything from HP computers to dresses, while Twilight has had its own range of clothing debut at Nordstrom. But the mos...
Minecraft T-Shirt 6 Aug 2011 | 11:46 pm
Minecraft seems to be taking the world by storm this year, with the developer selling over 3 million copies. And that's just the BETA version of Minecraft... Not the official release. With computer g...