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Online logo editor in HTML 5 Canvas - By 7 Jul 2012 | 06:53 pm

Text offset Shadow

Progress bar in HTML 5 and the HTML 4 equivalent 7 Jul 2012 | 06:53 pm

The HTML 5 Syntax: The closing tag is mandatory. This tag to see if the browser supports HTML 5. Nothing is displayed unless, but the contents of the tag.

More php cms list related news:

Drupal Jumla WordPress - Comparacion gestores de contenido - PHP CMS 4 Feb 2012 | 09:53 am

La creación de sitios web es cada día más fácil, gracias a los Gestión de Contenidos (CMS). Los CMS nos permiten crear y gestionar el contenido web, ademas de que nos permite reducir los costos de man...

Advanced Fullscreen Media Gallery 01 25 Oct 2010 | 05:18 am

Update 01.08.09 : As a bonus to this file, we included a PHP Admin Panel for easy management of the gallery. However you can use it with xml files as most of the galleries on sale. Advanced PHP CMS Pr...


Deze opleiding is uitsluitend toegankelijk voor niet-werkende werkzoekenden. Je leert zelfstandig applicaties in PHP ontwikkelen: • Basis informatica • Web intro • XHTML/CSS • UML • PHP • CMS ...

PHP Directory Listing Script 10 Apr 2009 | 05:17 pm

This is a script I have developed using PHP. All you do is simply place the two files in a directory and the directory itself along with all sub-directories will be browse able. Features The entire sc...

Strona dla kancelarii adwokackiej 31 Jan 2012 | 10:12 am

Klient: Kancelarie Adwokackie Rzeszów Opis projektu: Wykonanie prostej strony internetowej dla zespołu Kancelarii Adwokackich w Rzeszowie Technologie: XHTML, PHP, CMS Adres: www.Kancelarie-Rzeszow....

Projekt graficzny i wdrożenie serwisu 31 Jan 2011 | 09:16 am

Klient: WERA STUDIO Opis projektu: Wykonanie projektu graficznego strony oraz wdrożenie serwisu internetowego dla Studia Mebli Kuchennych WERA z Rzeszowa. Technologie: XHTML, PHP, CMS – WordPress A... PHP Directory Listing XSS Vulnerability 9 Jul 2011 | 10:27 pm

I noticed a security vulnerability in the PHP Directory Listing Script made by Ash Young from Some input isn’t properly sanitized before it is returned to the user, rendering the applic...

All Videos from 2009 are back and workin... 15 Feb 2012 | 11:02 am

All Videos from 2009 are back and working in a href=month.php>Month Worth Downloads/a> as well as on a href=releases.php>releases list/a> on better servers so you can get them even faster, enjoy! We'r...

Giełda OZE 11 Jul 2012 | 03:59 am

Klient: ePodium Opis projektu: Wdrożenie systemu ogłoszeniowego  dla branży Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii, optymalizacja pod kątem wyszukiwarek. Technologie: XHTML, PHP, CMS Adres:

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