Most php vs javascript related news are at:

Merge pull request #16 from pneff/meeting-20130813 5 Aug 2013 | 09:24 pm
Deleted the file for July meeting since it din't happen. 3 Aug 2013 | 01:24 pm
More php vs javascript related news:
Php and Javascript Introduction 12 Jan 2011 | 06:57 am
Make your website come alive using advanced functions. but don't worry - anyone can do this! Let me show you how you can use javascript and pHP to enhance your website. I even supplied the scripts....
Logithèque RSS : les scripts RSS débarquent sur 21 Mar 2007 | 03:50 am
Nouveau ! augmente la capacité de sa logithèque RSS et met désormais à la disposition des développeurs une liste de scripts RSS dans plusieurs langages (PHP, Ajax, Javascript, .NET...) q...
Why PHP and JavaScript IDE's Suck 2 May 2008 | 05:47 am
Few things fire up an engineer faster than over generalizations, criticizing a favorite language, or attacking their favorite IDE. So I'm off to a good start. Oh ya, my mom hates that word too (sorry ...
Dynamic URLs vs. Static URLs 4 Oct 2011 | 07:53 pm
The Issue at Hand Websites that utilize databases which can insert content into a webpage by way of a dynamic script like PHP or JavaScript are increasingly popular. This type of site is considered dy...
New Domain Name 15 May 2012 | 01:51 pm
I have decided to buy a new domain name – I think its a pretty cool name Other Interesting Posts PHP VS. ASP.NET Creating SqlParameters Best Practices Use Enum (C#) instead of magic...
Allow Visual Studio to use more memory in 32bit windows 22 Jan 2011 | 06:23 am
Read this excellent guide on increasing the total memory Visual Studio can use, even in 32bit windows Other Interesting Posts PHP VS. ASP.NET Creating SqlParameters Best Practices Use Enum (C#) in...
No source avaiable (VS2010) 11 Jan 2011 | 11:03 am
Did you ever try pausing your code in VS2010? Did you get this very annoying screen that says “no source available” ? The solution is simple, install this extension Other Interesting Posts PHP VS. ...
How to pass a output from PHP to Javascript? 30 May 2012 | 06:58 pm
i am new to php and javascripts. Basically I want to pass a output from pphp to Javascript. I have a readStatus.php file: ?> and I want to place the 2 at the same place in my html page by different...
CoreCrypt - zabezpiecz swoje skrypty PHP i JavaScript 25 May 2012 | 05:40 pm
Wydana została nowa wersja aplikacji CoreCrypt 2012 od BinSoft. Przypomnijmy, że jest to aplikacja pozwalająca na zabezpieczenie skryptów PHP i JavaScript przed ich analizą i modyfikacją przez niepowo...
CoreCrypt - zabezpiecz swoje skrypty PHP i JavaScript 25 May 2012 | 05:40 pm
Wydana została nowa wersja aplikacji CoreCrypt 2012 od BinSoft. Przypomnijmy, że jest to aplikacja pozwalająca na zabezpieczenie skryptów PHP i JavaScript przed ich analizą i modyfikacją przez niepowo...