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More pligg wrong referrer related news:

The Newest Referrals are In! 5 Jan 2007 | 10:48 am

This time, our agency received referrals, which is very exciting. We even had a surprise BOY! I wonder how often that happens? I've seen people who request boys receive girls. I could be wrong, but I ...

Potential Wrongful Convictions: Failed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission 28 Mar 2012 | 09:28 pm

The Innocence Network UK (INUK) today, publishes a dossier of 45 cases of alleged innocent victims of wrongful conviction. All of these cases have been refused a referral back to the Court of Appeal a...

It’s the Hours, not the Rate – Why Most People Focus on the Wrong Thing When Choosing a Lawyer 21 Jan 2013 | 06:45 am

Given my background as a recovering lawyer, I’m often asked by portfolio companies, friends, other VCs, etc. for attorney referrals.  I don’t get asked too often on routine matters, but the really imp...

Why Your Networking Sucks and How to Fix It 15 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm

The way most wedding vendors try to network and build referrals relationships is DEAD WRONG. They do things like: Handing out stacks of cards to people they’ve just met. Telling everyone how amazin...

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