Most polymer clay artists related news are at:

August Challenge Winners 10 Aug 2013 | 02:18 am
And the winners of the August Challenge are: Public Vote 1st place Rousseau inspired Goddess of the Jungle Teapot by Lisa of HiGirls 2nd place Abstract Dagger Tribal Necklace by Lorraine of Wired....
August Challenge Tribal-Goddess 1 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
This month our members celebrated nature with the theme Tribal/Goddess. It is great to see how each artist interpreted the theme. Entries had to meet the theme and be made from at least 50% polymer cl...
More polymer clay artists related news:
European Polymer Clay artists - the survey 21 Nov 2012 | 10:25 pm
...I am still busy working on my survey for European polymer clay artists for my presentation at the Synergy in March 2013. I recieved 440 answers by now, but some countries are still missing or I had...
New Polymer Clay Jewelry Trends 11 May 2012 | 12:26 pm
However, the most common choice include typical materials such as metals, gemstones, and possibly glass, but if you look at other available options you will find that there are many other things that ...
TooCuteKawaii Review, and even more giveaways! 19 Feb 2011 | 01:00 pm
Hey everyone! How was your day? I received a package in the mail today- yay! It was from TooCuteKawaii !!! When I opened it up I found a sweet bracelet that is handmade from polymer clay. The packa...
Miniature Food – St Honoré Cake 30 May 2012 | 07:57 pm
Miniature Food – St Honoré Cake Image by PetitPlat – Stephanie Kilgast handmade out of polymer clay 1:12 scale pâte polymère échelle 1:12
Necklace with earrings and ring 16 Mar 2012 | 07:14 am
Handmade jewelry, made from polymer clay FIMO of German company STAEDTLER. Completely safe even for young children. Varnishes are the same brand and specially created for this clay. The metal parts ar...
Necklace with earrings and ring 16 Mar 2012 | 07:12 am
Handmade jewelry, made from polymer clay FIMO of German company STAEDTLER. Completely safe even for young children. Varnishes are the same brand and specially created for this clay. The metal parts ar...
Necklace with earrings and ring 16 Mar 2012 | 07:11 am
Handmade jewelry, made from polymer clay FIMO of German company STAEDTLER. Completely safe even for young children. Varnishes are the same brand and specially created for this clay. The metal parts ar...
Necklace with earrings 16 Mar 2012 | 07:08 am
Handmade jewelry, made from polymer clay FIMO of German company STAEDTLER. Completely safe even for young children. Varnishes are the same brand and specially created for this clay. The metal parts ar...
Metal Clay Artist Vol.3 Issue 2 30 May 2012 | 10:21 pm
Metal Clay Artist Vol.3 Issue 2
Metal Clay Artist Vol.2 Issue 2 30 May 2012 | 10:21 pm
Metal Clay Artist Vol.2 Issue 2