Most powershell get-mailbox related news are at:

Modify PowerGUI snippets to function in the PowerShell ISE 23 May 2013 | 07:22 am
Recently I discovered Glen Scales post “EWS Snippets for PowerGui” Although PowerGUI now works with version 3 of PowerShell, I am still using the PowerShell ISE for script development. So, I wrote a s...
PowerShell Version 3 if..else bug 22 Aug 2012 | 06:43 am
Consider the following from PowerShell’s excellent help: Get-Help about_If 001002003004005006007008 if ($a -gt 2) { Write-Host “The value $a is greater than 2.”}else{ Write-Host “The value $a is...
More powershell get-mailbox related news:
PowerShell Get-Easter function 15 Nov 2010 | 01:37 am
Just to long to twitter : Function Get-Easter ($y){$a=(19*($y%19)+15)%30;$b=(2*($y%4)+4*($y%7)-$a+34)%7;$d=(($a+$b+114)%31)+1;$m=[math]::Floor(($a+$b+114)/31);([datetime]"$m/$d/$y").adddays(13)} can...
Quickly compare PowerShell V2 and V3 cmdlets 8 Aug 2012 | 07:27 am
Recently, I was looking for the difference between the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in Version 2 and Version 3 of Windows PowerShell. Although you can Bing “PowerShell Get-ChildItem v3” and get an accurate li...
Powershell Simplified Part 5: Services and EventLogs 9 Nov 2012 | 02:45 am
Working with Windows services is easy with Powershell. get-service # list of all services get-service netlogon # service details stop-service netlogon -force # stop a se...
OpsMgr 2012: Recalculate Health on all Agents 7 Feb 2013 | 11:39 pm
It’s easy to do with PowerShell. Get-SCOMAgent | foreach { $_.HostComputer.RecalculateMonitoringState() }
Désactiver ActiveSync sur plusieurs boites. 5 Apr 2013 | 02:47 pm
Permet de désactiver ActiveSync sur plusieurs boites aux lettres. Get-Mailbox *christophe* | Set-CASMailbox -ActiveSyncEnabled $false Pour désactiver ActiveSync sur toutes les boites: Get-CASMailbox -...
OpsMgr 2012: Recalculate Health on all Agents 9 Feb 2013 | 06:19 am
It’s easy to do with PowerShell. Get-SCOMAgent | foreach { $_.HostComputer.RecalculateMonitoringState() }
Stockage: Les commandes powershell de référence 10 Jun 2013 | 03:29 pm
Voici un référentiel sur le stockage concernant Windows Server 2012 STOCKAGE Pour tous savoir, lancez gcm –module Storage Disque Physique [powershell] Get-PhysicalDisk # lister tous les disques ...
Accepted in Tohoku University - Japan! 2 Jul 2013 | 03:46 am
Have you ever feel overwhelming of getting mailbox? YES I'M ACCEPTED IN TOHOKU UNIVERSITY JAPAN! Based on QS World University Ranking and Times Higher Education World University Ranking in this 2013...
Recreate Exchange 2013 Health Mailboxes 8 Aug 2013 | 09:39 am
How to recreate health mailboxes in Exchange 2013? A new type of mailbox that is available in Exchange 2013 is the health mailbox and is used for monitoring the server itself. Running Get-Mailbox –M...
Truy vấn tổng số user mailbox trong 1 Database – Exchange Server 29 May 2013 | 11:15 am
Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Server, StorageGroupName, Name, @{Name="Number Of Mailboxes";expression={(Get-Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | Measure-Object).Count}} | Format-Table -AutoSize Filed under:...